
Bij financiële transacties verwijst settlement naar de afwikkeling van financiële verplichtingen tussen een koper en een verkoper. Het gaat om de betaling en levering van het overeengekomen financiële instrument op de spotmarkt of de derivatenmarkt. De succesvolle afwikkeling zorgt voor de overdracht van eigendom en de vervulling van contractuele verplichtingen.

Definitie: Settlement en Clearing

De Settlementsperiode geeft beide partijen de tijd om aan hun leveringsverplichtingen uit een transactie te voldoen, d.w.z. de levering van cash in ruil voor effecten. Gedurende deze periode moest de eigendomsoverdracht van de effecten plaatsvinden tegen betaling van de aankoopprijs. In die tijd werden fondsen overgemaakt en effecten in fysieke vorm geleverd. Betaling en levering van bijvoorbeeld een aandelentransactie, moeten doorgaans binnen twee werkdagen plaatsvinden.

U wordt wel onmiddellijk na aankoop eigenaar van een aandeel, maar u hebt het effectief in bezit na de afwikkeling van deze transactie, dus na twee dagen.

Tegenwoordig worden de transacties in effecten, valuta en derivaten gecleard door centrale tegenpartijen, de zogenaamde clearinginstellingen. Het clearingsysteem fungeert als tussenpersoon tussen koper en verkoper. Daardoor wordt het risico van mislukte levering van cash geld of effecten geminimaliseerd. Transacties tussen koper en verkoper worden verrekend en vervolgens afgewikkeld door het clearing-systeem.

Effecten worden door het clearingsysteem geregistreerd en namens uw broker aangehouden. Bij een transactie worden vorderingen en verplichtingen gesaldeerd en worden de aandelen toegewezen aan de nieuwe aandeelhouder. Een directe transactie tussen koper en verkoper vindt niet plaats, deze verlopen telkens via een clearingsysteem. De centrale effectenbewaarinstelling voor Amerikaanse effecten is de Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation DTCC.

Settlement overzicht per product

Voor de afwikkeling van financiële transacties is een bepaald tijdsbestek nodig. Deze settlementsperiodes verschillen van product tot product. Terwijl de afwikkeling van aandelen, fondsen en warrants twee dagen in beslag neemt (T+2), worden transacties in opties en futures doorgaans na één werkdag afgewikkeld (T+1).
Vanwege nationale feestdagen worden transacties in bepaalde valuta’s op sommige dagen per jaar niet afgewikkeld. Als de afwikkeling op een nationale feestdag valt, wordt deze doorgaans verschoven naar de volgende werkdag.

Hieronder vindt u een tabel met de meest voorkomende settlementdata:

Financieel InstrumentSettlement periode
Aandelenopties (Equity Options)T+1
FOPs (Future opties)T+1
BondsT+2, US Treasuries T+1
CFD’sZelfde als de onderliggende waarde
Warrants/Structured ProductsT+2
Financieel InstrumentSettlement periode
Aandelenopties (Equity Options)T+1
FOPs (Future opties)T+1
BondsT+2, US Treasuries T+1
Warrants/Structured ProductsT+2
Let op
Currency settlement holidays

Er kunnen uitzonderingen zijn waarbij de afwikkeling van transacties wordt vertraagd. Amerikaanse feestdagen kunnen niet enkel voor een vertraging zorgen in USD-transacties, maar in elk valutapaar, ook al is USD hierin niet betrokken.

Settlementperiode: Aandelen & Valuta

Cashrekening: Handelen van aandelen in vreemde valuta

U zet valuta om van EUR naar USD om een aandeel in USD te kopen. Voor een cashrekening zal deze omzetting telkens nodig zijn voor de aankoop van het aandeel. Aangezien de settlementsperiode voor de aankoop van aandelen en voor de valutaconversie identiek zijn, kunt u het aandeel meestal onmiddellijk na de valutaconversie kopen. In de volgende video wordt de afwikkeling van zowel de valutaconversie als de aandelenaankoop uitgelegd. Het geeft aan dat beide settlementsperiodes (meestal) overeenkomen.

Met een cashrekening is het belangrijk om deze settlementdagen op te volgen. Het kan bijvoorbeeld noodzakelijk zijn dat uw transacties volledig gesettled zijn in een product, voor u een andere transactie zal kunnen uitvoeren in hetzelfde product. Op deze manier vermijdt u dat de settlement van beide transacties kan overlappen.

Herinvestering van fondsen uit de verkoop van aandelen op een marginrekening

Als men op maandag aandelen verkoopt, wordt de opbrengst van de verkoop op woensdag verrekend. Als men de opbrengst onmiddellijk in een ander aandeel belegt, zijn de middelen nog niet verrekend. Maar de betaling van dit laatste aandeel is pas verschuldigd op woensdag, wat overeenkomt met de afrekening van de opbrengst van de eerste verkoop. Er wordt dus geen rente opgebouwd zolang het saldo voor woensdag positief is. Dit geldt ook voor omzettingen van valuta en de directe aankoop van aandelen in deze munt.

Het bovengenoemde voorbeeld bepaald ook of er rente wordt opgebouwd door de opbrengst van een verkooptransactie direct opnieuw te beleggen (indien het nieuwe beleggingsproduct dezelfde settlementsperiode heeft).

Creditinteresten zullen dus ook pas opgebouwd worden na de volledige settlement van uw transacties. Dit is hetzelfde voor cashrekeningen.

Settlement periode: Opties & Valuta

Cashrekening: Optiehandel in vreemde valuta

Transacties van optiecontracten worden (doorgaans) binnen één werkdag afgewikkeld. In tegenstelling tot een aandelenaankoop kan men een optiecontract dus niet direct na een valutaconversie verhandelen. Hiervoor zal u met een cashrekening dus 1 dag dienen te wachten, zodat de settlementperiode van uw omzetting en de aankoop van het optiecontract samen vallen.


Wanneer u een optiecontract aankoopt zonder deze valuta op uw rekening te hebben, zal dit saldo ook na een omzetting op dezelfde dag, voor minstens 1 dag bevoorschot worden voor uw rekening. Dit ligt aan het feit dat optiecontracten reeds na 1 dag volledig zijn gesettled, terwijl dit voor omzettingen 2 dagen duurt. Hierdoor zal u dus voor 1 dag ook debetrente dienen te betalen op dit bedrag.

Opties verschillen tussen Europese en Amerikaanse uitoefeningsstijlen. Europese opties worden pas op hun expiratiedatum afgewikkeld, terwijl Amerikaanse opties tot hun expiratiedatum kunnen worden uitgeoefend en toegewezen.
Let wel op dat de uitoefenstijl niets te maken heeft met waar het onderliggende product genoteerd staat. Indexopties hebben meestal een Europese uitoefenstijl, terwijl aandelen een Amerikaanse uitoefenstijl kennen.

Uiteindelijk worden alle opties op hun expiratiedatum afgewikkeld (als ze niet eerder zijn uitgeoefend of toegewezen). Dit leidt tot vier verschillende scenario’s:

Indien u een Call optie gekocht heeft, heeft u het recht om aan te kopen en speelt u in op een prijsstijging. Op de expiratiedatum zal het systeem berekenen of de optie In The Money is;

Long CallScenario (indien geen actie ondernomen)
In the money (Marktprijs > Uitoefenprijs)Wanneer uw optie wel In The Money is kunnen er twee scenario’s zich afspelen:
1. Wanneer er voldoende cash of margin aanwezig is om uitoefening mogelijk te maken, dan zal het systeem de optie ongemoeid laten. Aan het eind van de expiratiedatum volgt dan automatisch een uitoefening van de optie. U koopt per contract 100 aandelen aan van het onderliggende effect.
2. Wanneer er onvoldoende cash of margin aanwezig is om een uitoefening mogelijk te maken zijn er meerdere afwikkelmogelijkheden. Als de blootstelling buitensporig wordt geacht, behoudt IBKR zich het recht voor om ofwel:
- Opties te liquideren voor de expiratie
- De opties te laten vervallen en/of
- Een willekeurig andere positie te liquideren c.q. levering toe te staan en de onderliggende waarde op elk moment (deels) te liquideren
Out of money (Marktprijs < Uitoefenprijs)Wanneer uw optie niet In The Money expireert gebeurt er niets, uw optie zal blijven staan in de portefeuille en na expiratie verwijderd worden.

Indien u een Put optie gekocht heeft, heeft u het recht om te verkopen en speelt u in op een prijsdaling. Op de expiratiedatum zal het systeem berekenen of de optie In The Money is;

Long PutScenario (indien geen actie ondernomen)
In the money (Marktprijs < Uitoefenprijs)Wanneer uw optie wel In The Money is kunnen er twee scenario’s zich afspelen:
1. Wanneer er voldoende cash of margin aanwezig is om uitoefening mogelijk te maken, dan zal het systeem de optie ongemoeid laten. Aan het eind van de expiratiedatum volgt dan automatisch een uitoefening van de optie. U verkoopt per contract 100 aandelen aan van het onderliggende effect, het is dus mogelijk dat u short komt te staan in het onderliggende effect.
2. Wanneer er onvoldoende cash of margin aanwezig is om een uitoefening mogelijk te maken zijn er meerdere afwikkelmogelijkheden. Als de blootstelling buitensporig wordt geacht, behoudt IBKR zich het recht voor om ofwel:
- Opties te liquideren voor de expiratie
- De opties te laten vervallen en/of
- Een willekeurig andere positie te liquideren c.q. levering toe te staan en de onderliggende waarde op elk moment (deels) te liquideren
Out of money (Marktprijs > Uitoefenprijs)Wanneer uw optie niet In The Money expireert gebeurt er niets, uw optie zal blijven staan in de portefeuille en na expiratie verwijderd worden.

Indien u een Call optie verkocht heeft, heeft u de plicht om te verkopen en speelt u in op een prijsdaling. Op de expiratiedatum zal het systeem berekenen of de optie In The Money is;

Short CallScenario (indien geen actie ondernomen)
In the money (Marktprijs > Uitoefenprijs)Wanneer uw optie wel In The Money is kunnen er twee scenario’s zich afspelen:
1. Wanneer er voldoende cash of margin aanwezig is om uitoefening mogelijk te maken, dan zal het systeem de optie ongemoeid laten. Aan het eind van de expiratiedatum volgt dan automatisch een uitoefening van de optie. U bent verplicht per contract 100 aandelen aan van het onderliggende effect te verkopen, u loopt dus het risico dat u een shortpositie inneemt.
2. Wanneer er onvoldoende cash of margin aanwezig is om een uitoefening mogelijk te maken zijn er meerdere afwikkelmogelijkheden. Als de blootstelling buitensporig wordt geacht, behoudt IBKR zich het recht voor om ofwel:
- Opties te liquideren voor de expiratie
- De opties te laten vervallen en/of
- Een willekeurig andere positie te liquideren c.q. levering toe te staan en de onderliggende waarde op elk moment (deels) te liquideren
Let op: bij Amerikaanse en Canadese opties hebben de kopers van een optie nog tot een half uur na de sluiting van de markt tijd om een verzoek tot uitvoering te geven. Dat wil zeggen dat een optie die bij het sluiten van de markt ‘out-of-the-money’ is toch kan uitgevoerd worden, naar aanleiding van koersbewegingen buiten de reguliere handelsuren.
Out of money (Marktprijs < Uitoefenprijs)Wanneer uw optie niet In The Money expireert gebeurt er niets, uw optie zal blijven staan in de portefeuille en na expiratie verwijderd worden.

Indien u een Put optie heeft verkocht, heeft u de plicht om aan te kopen en speelt u in op een prijsstijging. Op de expiratiedatum zal het systeem berekenen of de optie In The Money is;

Short Put Scenario (indien geen actie ondernomen)
In the money
(Marktprijs < Uitoefenprijs)
Wanneer uw optie wel In The Money is kunnen er twee scenario’s zich afspelen:
1. Wanneer er voldoende cash of margin aanwezig is om uitoefening mogelijk te maken, dan zal het systeem de optie ongemoeid laten. Aan het eind van de expiratiedatum volgt dan automatisch een uitoefening van de optie. U bent verplicht per contract 100 aandelen van het onderliggende effect te kopen.
2. Wanneer er onvoldoende cash of margin aanwezig is om een uitoefening mogelijk te maken zijn er meerdere afwikkelmogelijkheden. Als de blootstelling buitensporig wordt geacht, behoudt IBKR zich het recht voor om ofwel:
- Opties te liquideren voor de expiratie
- De opties te laten vervallen en/of
- Een willekeurig andere positie te liquideren c.q. levering toe te staan en de onderliggende waarde op elk moment (deels) te liquideren
Let op: Bij Amerikaanse en Canadese opties hebben de kopers van een optie nog tot een half uur na de sluiting van de markt tijd om een verzoek tot uitvoering te geven. Dat wil zeggen dat een optie die bij het sluiten van de markt ‘out-of-the-money’ is toch kan uitgevoerd worden, naar aanleiding van koersbewegingen buiten de reguliere handelsuren.
Out of money
(Marktprijs > Uitoefenprijs)
Wanneer uw optie niet In The Money expireert gebeurt er niets, uw optie zal blijven staan in de portefeuille en na expiratie verwijderd worden.

In sommige gevallen hoeft u als optiehouder geen handmatige actie te ondernemen. Als meerdere contracten op dezelfde vervaldag aflopen, kunnen hun economische effecten en risico’s elkaar opheffen.

Op hun expiratiedatum worden opties ofwel contant ofwel door fysieke levering van de onderliggende waarde afgewikkeld. Een cash settlement gebeurt door het verschil te berekenen tussen de uitoefenprijs en de settlementprijs van de optie. Daarbij wordt u geld gecrediteerd of een debet van uw rekening afgeschreven.
Een fysieke levering resulteert in ontvangst of levering van de onderliggende waarde zoals gedefinieerd in de contractgegevens (multiplier en uitoefenprijs). Voor aandelenopties zijn dit de onderliggende aandelen, voor Future Options zijn dit de onderliggende futurecontracten.

Let op:

Als inwoner in België dient u er wel rekening mee te houden dat op elke uitoefening van opties, de Taks op Beursverrichting zal aangerekend worden. Hiermee dient u dan ook rekening te houden wanneer u bepaalde optie(combinatie)s laat expireren die uitgeoefend kunnen worden.


Futurescontracten worden vereffend op de dag volgend op de handelsdag (T+1). Als u dus vandaag een futurescontract koopt, bent u verplicht de betaling de volgende werkdag te verrichten. Op dezelfde manier moet de tegenpartij de onderliggende waarde ook doorgaans tegen de volgende werkdag leveren.

Futures op hun expiratiedatum

Futurescontracten worden op een specifieke datum afgewikkeld. Afhankelijk van het contract worden futures contant of via fysieke levering afgewikkeld. Bij fysieke levering wordt het gespecificeerde product van de verkoper naar de koper vervoerd. Vanwege de variërende kwaliteit van de onderliggende waarde, zoals obligaties of grondstoffen zoals goud of tarwe, is het de verantwoordelijkheid van de leverende partij om de exacte specificaties van het product te bepalen. Echter, bij LYNX is fysieke levering over het algemeen niet toegestaan. Om afwikkelingsclaims te voorkomen, is het verplicht om uw futureposities voor de vervaldatum te sluiten.

  • First Position Date: Eerste datum waarop de verkoper het clearingsysteem in kennis kan stellen van een leveringsintentie.
  • First Notice Date: De eerste datum waarop een koper door het clearingsysteem kan worden geïnformeerd over een mogelijke levering.

Futures settlement overzicht

De tabel toont zowel de First Notice Date als de First Position Date voor specifieke futurescontracten. U dient uw futurespositie twee dagen voor de sluitingsdatum te sluiten.

  • Long Futures Cutoff: Datum waarop long futures posities gesloten en afgewikkeld moeten zijn.
  • Short Futures Cutoff: Datum waarop short futures posities gesloten en afgewikkeld moeten zijn.
ExchangeTrading ClassContract MonthDescriptionApplicable to Cash/IRA Accounts OnlyStart of Close-Out Period 2Long Futures Cutoff 3Long Futures Liquidation 5Short Futures Cutoff 4Short Futures Liquidation 5
CBOT10Y20231110-year Micro YieldNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/30 14:002023/11/29 7:202023/11/30 14:002023/11/29 7:20
CBOT10Y20231210-year Micro YieldNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/29 14:002023/12/28 7:202023/12/29 14:002023/12/28 7:20
CBOT2YY2023112-year Micro YieldNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/30 14:002023/11/29 7:202023/11/30 14:002023/11/29 7:20
CBOT2YY2023122-year Micro YieldNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/29 14:002023/12/28 7:202023/12/29 14:002023/12/28 7:20
CBOT30Y20231130-year Micro YieldNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/30 14:002023/11/29 7:202023/11/30 14:002023/11/29 7:20
CBOT30Y20231230-year Micro YieldNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/29 14:002023/12/28 7:202023/12/29 14:002023/12/28 7:20
CBOT5YY2023115-year Micro YieldNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/30 14:002023/11/29 7:202023/11/30 14:002023/11/29 7:20
CBOT5YY2023125-year Micro YieldNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/29 14:002023/12/28 7:202023/12/29 14:002023/12/28 7:20
CBOTEH202312EthanolNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/29 15:002023/11/28 8:302023/12/05 12:012023/12/04 8:30
CBOTEH202401EthanolNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/28 15:002023/12/27 8:302024/01/04 12:012024/01/03 8:30
CBOTEH202402EthanolNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/30 15:002024/01/29 8:302024/02/05 12:012024/02/02 8:30
CBOTEH202403EthanolNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/28 15:002024/02/27 8:302024/03/05 12:012024/03/04 8:30
CBOTEH202404EthanolNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/27 15:002024/03/26 8:302024/04/03 12:012024/04/02 8:30
CBOTEH202405EthanolNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/29 15:002024/04/26 8:302024/05/03 12:012024/05/02 8:30
CBOTEH202406EthanolNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/30 15:002024/05/29 8:302024/06/05 12:012024/06/04 8:30
CBOTEH202407EthanolNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/27 15:002024/06/26 8:302024/07/03 12:012024/07/02 8:30
CBOTEH202408EthanolNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/30 15:002024/07/29 8:302024/08/05 12:012024/08/02 8:30
CBOTEH202409EthanolNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/29 15:002024/08/28 8:302024/09/05 12:012024/09/04 8:30
CBOTEH202410EthanolNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/27 15:002024/09/26 8:302024/10/03 12:012024/10/02 8:30
CBOTEH202411EthanolNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/30 15:002024/10/29 8:302024/11/05 12:012024/11/04 8:30
CBOTKE202403Kansas City WheatNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/28 13:152024/02/27 8:302024/02/28 13:152024/02/27 8:30
CBOTKE202405Kansas City WheatNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/29 13:152024/04/26 8:302024/04/29 13:152024/04/26 8:30
CBOTKE202407Kansas City WheatNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/27 13:152024/06/26 8:302024/06/27 13:152024/06/26 8:30
CBOTKE202312Kansas City WheatNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/29 13:152023/11/28 8:302023/11/29 13:152023/11/28 8:30
CBOTKE202409Kansas City WheatNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/29 13:152024/08/28 8:302024/08/29 13:152024/08/28 8:30
CBOTTN20231210-YR T-NOTESNo1 business day prior to cutoff2023/11/29 15:152023/11/29 7:202023/12/19 12:012023/12/19 7:20
CBOTTN20240310-YR T-NOTESNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/02/28 15:152024/02/28 7:202024/03/19 12:012024/03/19 7:20
CBOTTN20240610-YR T-NOTESNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/05/30 15:152024/05/30 7:202024/06/18 12:012024/06/18 7:20
CBOTTWE20231220-YR TREASURYNo2 hours prior to cutoff2023/11/29 15:152023/11/29 13:152023/12/19 12:012023/12/19 10:01
CBOTTWE20240320-YR TREASURYNo2 hours prior to cutoff2024/02/28 15:152024/02/28 13:152024/03/19 12:012024/03/19 10:01
CBOTTWE20240620-YR TREASURYNo2 hours prior to cutoff2024/05/30 15:152024/05/30 13:152024/06/18 12:012024/06/18 10:01
CBOTUB202312Ultra T-BONDSNo2 hours prior to cutoff2023/11/29 15:152023/11/29 13:152023/12/19 12:012023/12/19 10:01
CBOTUB202403Ultra T-BONDSNo2 hours prior to cutoff2024/02/28 15:152024/02/28 13:152024/03/19 12:012024/03/19 10:01
CBOTUB202406Ultra T-BONDSNo2 hours prior to cutoff2024/05/30 15:152024/05/30 13:152024/06/18 12:012024/06/18 10:01
CBOTXC202312MINI CORN FUTURESNo1 business day prior to cutoff2023/11/29 13:452023/11/29 8:302023/11/29 13:452023/11/29 8:30
CBOTXC202407MINI CORN FUTURESNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/06/27 13:452024/06/27 8:302024/06/27 13:452024/06/27 8:30
CBOTXC202405MINI CORN FUTURESNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/04/29 13:452024/04/29 8:302024/04/29 13:452024/04/29 8:30
CBOTXC202409MINI CORN FUTURESNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/08/29 13:452024/08/29 8:302024/08/29 13:452024/08/29 8:30
CBOTXC202403MINI CORN FUTURESNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/02/28 13:452024/02/28 8:302024/02/28 13:452024/02/28 8:30
CBOTXK202411MINI SOYBEAN FUTURESNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/30 13:452024/10/29 8:302024/10/30 13:452024/10/29 8:30
CBOTXK202407MINI SOYBEAN FUTURESNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/27 13:452024/06/26 8:302024/06/27 13:452024/06/26 8:30
CBOTXK202409MINI SOYBEAN FUTURESNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/29 13:452024/08/28 8:302024/08/29 13:452024/08/28 8:30
CBOTXK202403MINI SOYBEAN FUTURESNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/28 13:452024/02/27 8:302024/02/28 13:452024/02/27 8:30
CBOTXK202401MINI SOYBEAN FUTURESNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/28 13:452023/12/27 8:302023/12/28 13:452023/12/27 8:30
CBOTXK202408MINI SOYBEAN FUTURESNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/30 13:452024/07/29 8:302024/07/30 13:452024/07/29 8:30
CBOTXK202405MINI SOYBEAN FUTURESNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/29 13:452024/04/26 8:302024/04/29 13:452024/04/26 8:30
CBOTXW202407MINI WHEAT FUTURESNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/06/27 13:452024/06/27 8:302024/06/27 13:452024/06/27 8:30
CBOTXW202312MINI WHEAT FUTURESNo1 business day prior to cutoff2023/11/29 13:452023/11/29 8:302023/11/29 13:452023/11/29 8:30
CBOTXW202405MINI WHEAT FUTURESNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/04/29 13:452024/04/29 8:302024/04/29 13:452024/04/29 8:30
CBOTXW202403MINI WHEAT FUTURESNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/02/28 13:452024/02/28 8:302024/02/28 13:452024/02/28 8:30
CBOTXW202409MINI WHEAT FUTURESNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/08/29 13:452024/08/29 8:302024/08/29 13:452024/08/29 8:30
CBOTZ3N2023123-YR TREAS.No2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/29 15:152023/11/28 8:302023/12/29 12:012023/12/28 8:30
CBOTZ3N2024033-YR TREAS.No2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/28 15:152024/02/27 8:302024/03/28 12:012024/03/27 8:30
CBOTZ3N2024063-YR TREAS.No2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/30 15:152024/05/29 8:302024/06/28 12:012024/06/27 8:30
CBOTZB20231230-year T-BONDSNo2 hours prior to cutoff2023/11/29 15:152023/11/29 13:152023/12/19 12:012023/12/19 10:01
CBOTZB20240330-year T-BONDSNo2 hours prior to cutoff2024/02/28 15:152024/02/28 13:152024/03/19 12:012024/03/19 10:01
CBOTZB20240630-year T-BONDSNo2 hours prior to cutoff2024/05/30 15:152024/05/30 13:152024/06/18 12:012024/06/18 10:01
CBOTZC202312Corn futuresNo1 business day prior to cutoff2023/11/29 13:202023/11/29 8:302023/11/29 13:202023/11/29 8:30
CBOTZC202407Corn futuresNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/06/27 13:202024/06/27 8:302024/06/27 13:202024/06/27 8:30
CBOTZC202405Corn futuresNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/04/29 13:202024/04/29 8:302024/04/29 13:202024/04/29 8:30
CBOTZC202409Corn futuresNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/08/29 13:202024/08/29 8:302024/08/29 13:202024/08/29 8:30
CBOTZC202403Corn futuresNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/02/28 13:202024/02/28 8:302024/02/28 13:202024/02/28 8:30
CBOTZF2023125-YR TREAS.No2 hours prior to cutoff2023/11/29 15:152023/11/29 13:152023/12/29 12:012023/12/29 10:01
CBOTZF2024035-YR TREAS.No2 hours prior to cutoff2024/02/28 15:152024/02/28 13:152024/03/28 12:012024/03/28 10:01
CBOTZF2024065-YR TREAS.No2 hours prior to cutoff2024/05/30 15:152024/05/30 13:152024/06/28 12:012024/06/28 10:01
CBOTZL202312SoyOilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/29 13:152023/11/28 8:302023/11/29 13:152023/11/28 8:30
CBOTZL202410SoyOilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/27 13:152024/09/26 8:302024/09/27 13:152024/09/26 8:30
CBOTZL202407SoyOilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/27 13:152024/06/26 8:302024/06/27 13:152024/06/26 8:30
CBOTZL202403SoyOilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/28 13:152024/02/27 8:302024/02/28 13:152024/02/27 8:30
CBOTZL202401SoyOilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/28 13:152023/12/27 8:302023/12/28 13:152023/12/27 8:30
CBOTZL202409SoyOilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/29 13:152024/08/28 8:302024/08/29 13:152024/08/28 8:30
CBOTZL202408SoyOilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/30 13:152024/07/29 8:302024/07/30 13:152024/07/29 8:30
CBOTZL202405SoyOilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/29 13:152024/04/26 8:302024/04/29 13:152024/04/26 8:30
CBOTZM202312SOYBEAN MEAL FUTURESNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/29 13:152023/11/28 8:302023/11/29 13:152023/11/28 8:30
CBOTZM202407SOYBEAN MEAL FUTURESNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/27 13:152024/06/26 8:302024/06/27 13:152024/06/26 8:30
CBOTZM202410SOYBEAN MEAL FUTURESNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/27 13:152024/09/26 8:302024/09/27 13:152024/09/26 8:30
CBOTZM202405SOYBEAN MEAL FUTURESNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/29 13:152024/04/26 8:302024/04/29 13:152024/04/26 8:30
CBOTZM202403SOYBEAN MEAL FUTURESNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/28 13:152024/02/27 8:302024/02/28 13:152024/02/27 8:30
CBOTZM202408SOYBEAN MEAL FUTURESNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/30 13:152024/07/29 8:302024/07/30 13:152024/07/29 8:30
CBOTZM202401SOYBEAN MEAL FUTURESNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/28 13:152023/12/27 8:302023/12/28 13:152023/12/27 8:30
CBOTZM202409SOYBEAN MEAL FUTURESNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/29 13:152024/08/28 8:302024/08/29 13:152024/08/28 8:30
CBOTZN20231210-YR TREAS.No2 hours prior to cutoff2023/11/29 15:152023/11/29 13:152023/12/19 12:012023/12/19 10:01
CBOTZN20240310-YR TREAS.No2 hours prior to cutoff2024/02/28 15:152024/02/28 13:152024/03/19 12:012024/03/19 10:01
CBOTZN20240610-YR TREAS.No2 hours prior to cutoff2024/05/30 15:152024/05/30 13:152024/06/18 12:012024/06/18 10:01
CBOTZO202407OatsNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/27 13:152024/06/26 8:302024/06/27 13:152024/06/26 8:30
CBOTZO202409OatsNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/29 13:152024/08/28 8:302024/08/29 13:152024/08/28 8:30
CBOTZO202312OatsNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/29 13:152023/11/28 8:302023/11/29 13:152023/11/28 8:30
CBOTZO202403OatsNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/28 13:152024/02/27 8:302024/02/28 13:152024/02/27 8:30
CBOTZO202405OatsNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/29 13:152024/04/26 8:302024/04/29 13:152024/04/26 8:30
CBOTZR202401ROUGH RICE FUTURESNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/28 13:152023/12/27 8:302023/12/28 13:152023/12/27 8:30
CBOTZR202403ROUGH RICE FUTURESNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/28 13:152024/02/27 8:302024/02/28 13:152024/02/27 8:30
CBOTZR202405ROUGH RICE FUTURESNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/29 13:152024/04/26 8:302024/04/29 13:152024/04/26 8:30
CBOTZR202407ROUGH RICE FUTURESNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/27 13:152024/06/26 8:302024/06/27 13:152024/06/26 8:30
CBOTZR202409ROUGH RICE FUTURESNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/29 13:152024/08/28 8:302024/08/29 13:152024/08/28 8:30
CBOTZR202411ROUGH RICE FUTURESNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/30 13:152024/10/29 8:302024/10/30 13:152024/10/29 8:30
CBOTZS202407SOYBEAN FUTURESNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/06/27 13:152024/06/27 8:302024/06/27 13:152024/06/27 8:30
CBOTZS202411SOYBEAN FUTURESNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/10/30 13:152024/10/30 8:302024/10/30 13:152024/10/30 8:30
CBOTZS202401SOYBEAN FUTURESNo1 business day prior to cutoff2023/12/28 13:152023/12/28 8:302023/12/28 13:152023/12/28 8:30
CBOTZS202405SOYBEAN FUTURESNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/04/29 13:152024/04/29 8:302024/04/29 13:152024/04/29 8:30
CBOTZS202403SOYBEAN FUTURESNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/02/28 13:152024/02/28 8:302024/02/28 13:152024/02/28 8:30
CBOTZS202409SOYBEAN FUTURESNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/08/29 13:152024/08/29 8:302024/08/29 13:152024/08/29 8:30
CBOTZS202408SOYBEAN FUTURESNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/07/30 13:152024/07/30 8:302024/07/30 13:152024/07/30 8:30
CBOTZT2023122-YR TREAS.No2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/29 15:152023/11/28 7:202023/12/29 12:012023/12/28 7:20
CBOTZT2024032-YR TREAS.No2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/28 15:152024/02/27 7:202024/03/28 12:012024/03/27 7:20
CBOTZT2024062-YR TREAS.No2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/30 15:152024/05/29 7:202024/06/28 12:012024/06/27 7:20
CBOTZW202403WHEAT FUTURESNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/02/28 13:152024/02/28 8:302024/02/28 13:152024/02/28 8:30
CBOTZW202312WHEAT FUTURESNo1 business day prior to cutoff2023/11/29 13:152023/11/29 8:302023/11/29 13:152023/11/29 8:30
CBOTZW202405WHEAT FUTURESNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/04/29 13:152024/04/29 8:302024/04/29 13:152024/04/29 8:30
CBOTZW202407WHEAT FUTURESNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/06/27 13:152024/06/27 8:302024/06/27 13:152024/06/27 8:30
CBOTZW202409WHEAT FUTURESNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/08/29 13:152024/08/29 8:302024/08/29 13:152024/08/29 8:30
CDECGB20231210-year Canadian Government BondNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/28 16:00 (ET)2023/11/27 6:00 (ET)2023/11/28 16:00 (ET)2023/11/27 6:00 (ET)
CDECGB20240310-year Canadian Government BondNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/27 16:00 (ET)2024/02/26 6:00 (ET)2024/02/27 16:00 (ET)2024/02/26 6:00 (ET)
CDECGB20240610-year Canadian Government BondNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/29 16:00 (ET)2024/05/28 6:00 (ET)2024/05/29 16:00 (ET)2024/05/28 6:00 (ET)
CDECGB20240910-year Canadian Government BondNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/28 16:00 (ET)2024/08/27 6:00 (ET)2024/08/28 16:00 (ET)2024/08/27 6:00 (ET)
CDECGF2023125-year Canadian Government BondNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/28 16:00 (ET)2023/11/27 6:00 (ET)2023/11/28 16:00 (ET)2023/11/27 6:00 (ET)
CDECGF2024035-year Canadian Government BondNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/27 16:00 (ET)2024/02/26 6:00 (ET)2024/02/27 16:00 (ET)2024/02/26 6:00 (ET)
CDECGF2024065-year Canadian Government BondNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/29 16:00 (ET)2024/05/28 6:00 (ET)2024/05/29 16:00 (ET)2024/05/28 6:00 (ET)
CDECGF2024095-year Canadian Government BondNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/28 16:00 (ET)2024/08/27 6:00 (ET)2024/08/28 16:00 (ET)2024/08/27 6:00 (ET)
CDECGZ2023122-year GovernmentNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/29 16:00 (ET)2023/11/28 6:00 (ET)2023/11/29 16:00 (ET)2023/11/28 6:00 (ET)
CDECGZ2024032-year GovernmentNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/28 16:00 (ET)2024/02/27 6:00 (ET)2024/02/28 16:00 (ET)2024/02/27 6:00 (ET)
CDECGZ2024062-year GovernmentNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/30 16:00 (ET)2024/05/29 6:00 (ET)2024/05/30 16:00 (ET)2024/05/29 6:00 (ET)
CDECGZ2024092-year GovernmentNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/29 16:00 (ET)2024/08/28 6:00 (ET)2024/08/29 16:00 (ET)2024/08/28 6:00 (ET)
CME6A202312AUSTRALIAN DOLLARSYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:30
CME6A202403AUSTRALIAN DOLLARSYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:30
CME6A202406AUSTRALIAN DOLLARSYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 8:302024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 8:30
CME6A202409AUSTRALIAN DOLLARSYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 8:302024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 8:30
CME6A202401AUSTRALIAN DOLLARSYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/12 9:162024/01/11 8:302024/01/12 9:162024/01/11 8:30
CME6A202402AUSTRALIAN DOLLARSYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/16 9:162024/02/15 8:302024/02/16 9:162024/02/15 8:30
CME6A202404AUSTRALIAN DOLLARSYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/15 9:162024/04/12 8:302024/04/15 9:162024/04/12 8:30
CME6B202312BRITISH POUNDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:30
CME6B202403BRITISH POUNDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:30
CME6B202406BRITISH POUNDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 8:302024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 8:30
CME6B202409BRITISH POUNDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 8:302024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 8:30
CME6B202401BRITISH POUNDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/12 9:162024/01/11 8:302024/01/12 9:162024/01/11 8:30
CME6B202402BRITISH POUNDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/16 9:162024/02/15 8:302024/02/16 9:162024/02/15 8:30
CME6B202404BRITISH POUNDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/15 9:162024/04/12 8:302024/04/15 9:162024/04/12 8:30
CME6C202312CANADIAN DOLLARYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/19 9:162023/12/18 8:302023/12/19 9:162023/12/18 8:30
CME6C202403CANADIAN DOLLARYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/19 9:162024/03/18 8:302024/03/19 9:162024/03/18 8:30
CME6C202406CANADIAN DOLLARYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/18 9:162024/06/17 8:302024/06/18 9:162024/06/17 8:30
CME6C202409CANADIAN DOLLARYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/17 9:162024/09/16 8:302024/09/17 9:162024/09/16 8:30
CME6C202401CANADIAN DOLLARYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/16 9:162024/01/15 8:302024/01/16 9:162024/01/15 8:30
CME6C202402CANADIAN DOLLARYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/20 9:162024/02/19 8:302024/02/20 9:162024/02/19 8:30
CME6C202404CANADIAN DOLLARYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/16 9:162024/04/15 8:302024/04/16 9:162024/04/15 8:30
CME6E202312EUROFX-EUR/USDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:30
CME6E202403EUROFX-EUR/USDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:30
CME6E202406EUROFX-EUR/USDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 8:302024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 8:30
CME6E202409EUROFX-EUR/USDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 8:302024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 8:30
CME6E202401EUROFX-EUR/USDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/12 9:162024/01/11 8:302024/01/12 9:162024/01/11 8:30
CME6E202402EUROFX-EUR/USDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/16 9:162024/02/15 8:302024/02/16 9:162024/02/15 8:30
CME6E202404EUROFX-EUR/USDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/15 9:162024/04/12 8:302024/04/15 9:162024/04/12 8:30
CME6J202312JAPANESE YENYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:30
CME6J202403JAPANESE YENYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:30
CME6J202406JAPANESE YENYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 8:302024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 8:30
CME6J202409JAPANESE YENYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 8:302024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 8:30
CME6J202401JAPANESE YENYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/12 9:162024/01/11 8:302024/01/12 9:162024/01/11 8:30
CME6J202402JAPANESE YENYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/16 9:162024/02/15 8:302024/02/16 9:162024/02/15 8:30
CME6J202404JAPANESE YENYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/15 9:162024/04/12 8:302024/04/15 9:162024/04/12 8:30
CME6M202312MEXICAN PESONo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:30
CME6M202403MEXICAN PESONo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:30
CME6M202406MEXICAN PESONo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 8:302024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 8:30
CME6M202401MEXICAN PESONo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/12 9:162024/01/11 8:302024/01/12 9:162024/01/11 8:30
CME6M202402MEXICAN PESONo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/16 9:162024/02/15 8:302024/02/16 9:162024/02/15 8:30
CME6M202409MEXICAN PESONo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 8:302024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 8:30
CME6M202404MEXICAN PESONo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/15 9:162024/04/12 8:302024/04/15 9:162024/04/12 8:30
CME6M202405MEXICAN PESONo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/13 9:162024/05/10 8:302024/05/13 9:162024/05/10 8:30
CME6M202407MEXICAN PESONo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/15 9:162024/07/12 8:302024/07/15 9:162024/07/12 8:30
CME6M202408MEXICAN PESONo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/19 9:162024/08/16 8:302024/08/19 9:162024/08/16 8:30
CME6M202410MEXICAN PESONo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/11 9:162024/10/10 8:302024/10/11 9:162024/10/10 8:30
CME6M202411MEXICAN PESONo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/11/18 9:162024/11/15 8:302024/11/18 9:162024/11/15 8:30
CME6N202312NEW ZEALAND DOLYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:30
CME6N202403NEW ZEALAND DOLYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:30
CME6N202406NEW ZEALAND DOLYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 8:302024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 8:30
CME6N202409NEW ZEALAND DOLYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 8:302024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 8:30
CME6S202312SWISS FRANCYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:30
CME6S202403SWISS FRANCYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:30
CME6S202406SWISS FRANCYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 8:302024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 8:30
CME6S202409SWISS FRANCYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 8:302024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 8:30
CME6Z202312S AFRICAN RANDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:30
CME6Z202403S AFRICAN RANDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:30
CME6Z202406S AFRICAN RANDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 8:302024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 8:30
CME6Z202409S AFRICAN RANDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 8:302024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 8:30
CME6Z202401S AFRICAN RANDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/12 9:162024/01/11 8:302024/01/12 9:162024/01/11 8:30
CME6Z202402S AFRICAN RANDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/16 9:162024/02/15 8:302024/02/16 9:162024/02/15 8:30
CME6Z202404S AFRICAN RANDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/15 9:162024/04/12 8:302024/04/15 9:162024/04/12 8:30
CME6Z202405S AFRICAN RANDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/13 9:162024/05/10 8:302024/05/13 9:162024/05/10 8:30
CME6Z202407S AFRICAN RANDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/15 9:162024/07/12 8:302024/07/15 9:162024/07/12 8:30
CME6Z202408S AFRICAN RANDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/19 9:162024/08/16 8:302024/08/19 9:162024/08/16 8:30
CME6Z202410S AFRICAN RANDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/11 9:162024/10/10 8:302024/10/11 9:162024/10/10 8:30
CME6Z202411S AFRICAN RANDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/11/18 9:162024/11/15 8:302024/11/18 9:162024/11/15 8:30
CMEACD202312AD/CD cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:30
CMEACD202403AD/CD cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:30
CMEACD202406AD/CD cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 8:302024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 8:30
CMEACD202409AD/CD cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 8:302024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 8:30
CMEAJY202312AD/JY cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:30
CMEAJY202403AD/JY cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:30
CMEAJY202406AD/JY cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 8:302024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 8:30
CMEAJY202409AD/JY cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 8:302024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 8:30
CMECJY202312CD/JY cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:30
CMECJY202403CD/JY cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:30
CMECJY202406CD/JY cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 8:302024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 8:30
CMECJY202409CD/JY cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 8:302024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 8:30
CMECZK202312CZECH KORUNANo5 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/12 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/12 8:30
CMECZK202403CZECH KORUNANo5 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/12 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/12 8:30
CMECZK202406CZECH KORUNANo5 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/11 8:302024/06/17 9:162024/06/11 8:30
CMECZK202409CZECH KORUNANo5 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/10 8:302024/09/16 9:162024/09/10 8:30
CMEE7202312EuroFX E-miniYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:30
CMEE7202403EuroFX E-miniYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:30
CMEEAD202312Euro FX/AD cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 7:202023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 7:20
CMEEAD202403Euro FX/AD cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 7:202024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 7:20
CMEEAD202406Euro FX/AD cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 7:202024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 7:20
CMEEAD202409Euro FX/AD cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 7:202024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 7:20
CMEECD202312Euro FX/CD cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:30
CMEECD202403Euro FX/CD cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:30
CMEECD202406Euro FX/CD cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 8:302024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 8:30
CMEECD202409Euro FX/CD cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 8:302024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 8:30
CMEECK202312CZECH KORUNA/EURO FXNo5 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/12 7:202023/12/18 9:162023/12/12 7:20
CMEECK202403CZECH KORUNA/EURO FXNo5 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/12 7:202024/03/18 9:162024/03/12 7:20
CMEECK202406CZECH KORUNA/EURO FXNo5 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/11 7:202024/06/17 9:162024/06/11 7:20
CMEECK202409CZECH KORUNA/EURO FXNo5 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/10 7:202024/09/16 9:162024/09/10 7:20
CMEEHF202312HUNGARIAN FORINT/EURO FXNo5 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/12 7:202023/12/18 9:162023/12/12 7:20
CMEEHF202403HUNGARIAN FORINT/EURO FXNo5 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/12 7:202024/03/18 9:162024/03/12 7:20
CMEEHF202406HUNGARIAN FORINT/EURO FXNo5 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/11 7:202024/06/17 9:162024/06/11 7:20
CMEEHF202409HUNGARIAN FORINT/EURO FXNo5 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/10 7:202024/09/16 9:162024/09/10 7:20
CMEEPZ202312POLISH ZLOTY/EURO FXNo5 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/12 7:202023/12/18 9:162023/12/12 7:20
CMEEPZ202403POLISH ZLOTY/EURO FXNo5 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/12 7:202024/03/18 9:162024/03/12 7:20
CMEEPZ202406POLISH ZLOTY/EURO FXNo5 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/11 7:202024/06/17 9:162024/06/11 7:20
CMEEPZ202409POLISH ZLOTY/EURO FXNo5 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/10 7:202024/09/16 9:162024/09/10 7:20
CMEHUF202312HUNGARIAN FORINTNo5 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/12 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/12 8:30
CMEHUF202403HUNGARIAN FORINTNo5 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/12 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/12 8:30
CMEHUF202406HUNGARIAN FORINTNo5 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/11 8:302024/06/17 9:162024/06/11 8:30
CMEHUF202409HUNGARIAN FORINTNo5 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/10 8:302024/09/16 9:162024/09/10 8:30
CMEILS202312SHEKELYes(1)5 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/12 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/12 8:30
CMEILS202403SHEKELYes(1)5 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/12 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/12 8:30
CMEILS202406SHEKELYes(1)5 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/11 8:302024/06/17 9:162024/06/11 8:30
CMEILS202409SHEKELYes(1)5 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/10 8:302024/09/16 9:162024/09/10 8:30
CMEJ7202312Japanese Yen E-miniYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:30
CMEJ7202403Japanese Yen E-miniYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:30
CMELBR202401LUMBERNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/12 12:052024/01/11 9:002024/01/12 12:052024/01/11 9:00
CMELBR202403LUMBERNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/15 12:052024/03/14 9:002024/03/15 12:052024/03/14 9:00
CMELBR202405LUMBERNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/15 12:052024/05/14 9:002024/05/15 12:052024/05/14 9:00
CMELBR202407LUMBERNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/15 12:052024/07/12 9:002024/07/15 12:052024/07/12 9:00
CMELBR202409LUMBERNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/13 12:052024/09/12 9:002024/09/13 12:052024/09/12 9:00
CMELBR202411LUMBERNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/11/15 12:052024/11/14 9:002024/11/15 12:052024/11/14 9:00
CMELE202312LIVE CATTLENo1 business day prior to cutoff2023/12/04 13:052023/12/04 8:302023/12/29 12:002023/12/29 8:30
CMELE202402LIVE CATTLENo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/02/05 13:052024/02/05 8:302024/02/29 12:002024/02/29 8:30
CMELE202404LIVE CATTLENo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/04/08 13:052024/04/08 8:302024/04/30 12:002024/04/30 8:30
CMELE202406LIVE CATTLENo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/06/10 13:052024/06/10 8:302024/06/28 12:002024/06/28 8:30
CMELE202408LIVE CATTLENo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/08/05 13:052024/08/05 8:302024/08/30 12:002024/08/30 8:30
CMELE202410LIVE CATTLENo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/10/07 13:052024/10/07 8:302024/10/31 12:002024/10/31 8:30
CMEM6A202312AUD/USD MicroYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:30
CMEM6A202403AUD/USD MicroYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:30
CMEM6B202312BRITISH POUND MicroYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:30
CMEM6B202403BRITISH POUND MicroYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:30
CMEM6C202312CANADIAN DOLLAR MicroYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/19 9:162023/12/18 8:302023/12/19 9:162023/12/18 8:30
CMEM6C202403CANADIAN DOLLAR MicroYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/19 9:162024/03/18 8:302024/03/19 9:162024/03/18 8:30
CMEM6E202312EUR/USD MicroYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:30
CMEM6E202403EUR/USD MicroYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:30
CMEM6J202312JAPANESE YEN MicroYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:30
CMEM6J202403JAPANESE YEN MicroYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:30
CMEM6S202312SWISS FRANC MicroYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:30
CMEM6S202403SWISS FRANC MicroYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:30
CMEMCD202312USD/CAD MicroYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/19 9:162023/12/18 8:302023/12/19 9:162023/12/18 8:30
CMEMCD202403USD/CAD MicroYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/19 9:162024/03/18 8:302024/03/19 9:162024/03/18 8:30
CMEMSF202312USD/CHF MicroYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:30
CMEMSF202403USD/CHF MicroYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:30
CMENOK202312NORV KRONAYes(1)5 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/12 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/12 8:30
CMENOK202403NORV KRONAYes(1)5 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/12 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/12 8:30
CMENOK202406NORV KRONAYes(1)5 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/11 8:302024/06/17 9:162024/06/11 8:30
CMENOK202409NORV KRONAYes(1)5 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/10 8:302024/09/16 9:162024/09/10 8:30
CMEPJY202312BP/JY cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 8:30
CMEPJY202403BP/JY cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 8:30
CMEPJY202406BP/JY cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 8:302024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 8:30
CMEPJY202409BP/JY cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 8:302024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 8:30
CMEPLN202312POLISH ZLOTYYes(1)5 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/12 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/12 8:30
CMEPLN202403POLISH ZLOTYYes(1)5 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/12 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/12 8:30
CMEPLN202406POLISH ZLOTYYes(1)5 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/11 8:302024/06/17 9:162024/06/11 8:30
CMEPLN202409POLISH ZLOTYYes(1)5 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/10 8:302024/09/16 9:162024/09/10 8:30
CMEPSF202312BP/SF cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 7:202023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 7:20
CMEPSF202403BP/SF cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 7:202024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 7:20
CMEPSF202406BP/SF cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 7:202024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 7:20
CMEPSF202409BP/SF cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 7:202024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 7:20
CMERF202312Euro FX/SF cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 7:202023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 7:20
CMERF202403Euro FX/SF cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 7:202024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 7:20
CMERF202406Euro FX/SF cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 7:202024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 7:20
CMERF202409Euro FX/SF cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 7:202024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 7:20
CMERP202312Euro FX/BP cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 7:202023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 7:20
CMERP202403Euro FX/BP cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 7:202024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 7:20
CMERP202406Euro FX/BP cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 7:202024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 7:20
CMERP202409Euro FX/BP cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 7:202024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 7:20
CMERP202401Euro FX/BP cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/12 9:162024/01/11 7:202024/01/12 9:162024/01/11 7:20
CMERP202402Euro FX/BP cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/16 9:162024/02/15 7:202024/02/16 9:162024/02/15 7:20
CMERP202404Euro FX/BP cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/15 9:162024/04/12 7:202024/04/15 9:162024/04/12 7:20
CMERY202312Euro FX/JY cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 7:202023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 7:20
CMERY202403Euro FX/JY cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 7:202024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 7:20
CMERY202406Euro FX/JY cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 7:202024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 7:20
CMERY202409Euro FX/JY cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 7:202024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 7:20
CMESEK202312SWEDISH KRONAYes(1)5 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/12 8:302023/12/18 9:162023/12/12 8:30
CMESEK202403SWEDISH KRONAYes(1)5 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/12 8:302024/03/18 9:162024/03/12 8:30
CMESEK202406SWEDISH KRONAYes(1)5 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/11 8:302024/06/17 9:162024/06/11 8:30
CMESEK202409SWEDISH KRONAYes(1)5 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/10 8:302024/09/16 9:162024/09/10 8:30
CMESJY202312SF/JY cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 7:202023/12/18 9:162023/12/15 7:20
CMESJY202403SF/JY cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 7:202024/03/18 9:162024/03/15 7:20
CMESJY202406SF/JY cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 7:202024/06/17 9:162024/06/14 7:20
CMESJY202409SF/JY cross rateYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 7:202024/09/16 9:162024/09/13 7:20
COMEXALI202311AluminumNo17 business days prior to cutoff2023/10/30 14:302023/10/06 8:302023/10/30 14:302023/10/06 8:30
COMEXALI202409AluminumNo17 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/29 14:302024/08/07 8:302024/08/29 14:302024/08/07 8:30
COMEXALI202406AluminumNo17 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/30 14:302024/05/08 8:302024/05/30 14:302024/05/08 8:30
COMEXALI202404AluminumNo17 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/27 14:302024/03/05 8:302024/03/27 14:302024/03/05 8:30
COMEXALI202407AluminumNo17 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/27 14:302024/06/05 8:302024/06/27 14:302024/06/05 8:30
COMEXALI202410AluminumNo17 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/27 14:302024/09/05 8:302024/09/27 14:302024/09/05 8:30
COMEXALI202402AluminumNo17 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/30 14:302024/01/08 8:302024/01/30 14:302024/01/08 8:30
COMEXALI202312AluminumNo17 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/29 14:302023/11/07 8:302023/11/29 14:302023/11/07 8:30
COMEXALI202401AluminumNo17 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/28 14:302023/12/06 8:302023/12/28 14:302023/12/06 8:30
COMEXALI202405AluminumNo17 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/29 14:302024/04/05 8:302024/04/29 14:302024/04/05 8:30
COMEXALI202408AluminumNo17 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/30 14:302024/07/08 8:302024/07/30 14:302024/07/08 8:30
COMEXALI202403AluminumNo17 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/28 14:302024/02/06 8:302024/02/28 14:302024/02/06 8:30
COMEXGC202312GoldNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/29 16:002023/11/28 8:202023/12/27 13:302023/12/26 8:20
COMEXGC202406GoldNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/30 16:002024/05/29 8:202024/06/26 13:302024/06/25 8:20
COMEXGC202402GoldNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/30 16:002024/01/29 8:202024/02/27 13:302024/02/26 8:20
COMEXGC202404GoldNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/27 16:002024/03/26 8:202024/04/26 13:302024/04/25 8:20
COMEXGC202408GoldNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/30 16:002024/07/29 8:202024/08/28 13:302024/08/27 8:20
COMEXGC202410GoldNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/27 16:002024/09/26 8:202024/10/29 13:302024/10/28 8:20
COMEXGC202311GoldNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/10/30 16:002023/10/27 8:202023/11/28 13:302023/11/27 8:20
COMEXGC202401GoldNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/28 16:002023/12/27 8:202024/01/29 13:302024/01/26 8:20
COMEXHG202312CopperNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/29 16:002023/11/28 8:102023/12/27 13:002023/12/26 8:10
COMEXHG202403CopperNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/28 16:002024/02/27 8:102024/03/26 13:002024/03/25 8:10
COMEXHG202405CopperNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/29 16:002024/04/26 8:102024/05/29 13:002024/05/28 8:10
COMEXHG202407CopperNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/27 16:002024/06/26 8:102024/07/29 13:002024/07/26 8:10
COMEXHG202409CopperNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/29 16:002024/08/28 8:102024/09/26 13:002024/09/25 8:10
COMEXHG202311CopperNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/10/30 16:002023/10/27 8:102023/11/28 13:002023/11/27 8:10
COMEXHG202401CopperNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/28 16:002023/12/27 8:102024/01/29 13:002024/01/26 8:10
COMEXHG202402CopperNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/30 16:002024/01/29 8:102024/02/27 13:002024/02/26 8:10
COMEXHG202404CopperNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/27 16:002024/03/26 8:102024/04/26 13:002024/04/25 8:10
COMEXHG202406CopperNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/30 16:002024/05/29 8:102024/06/26 13:002024/06/25 8:10
COMEXHG202408CopperNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/30 16:002024/07/29 8:102024/08/28 13:002024/08/27 8:10
COMEXHG202410CopperNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/27 16:002024/09/26 8:102024/10/29 13:002024/10/28 8:10
COMEXMGC202312E-Micro GoldNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/29 16:002023/11/28 8:302023/11/29 16:002023/11/28 8:30
COMEXMGC202402E-Micro GoldNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/30 16:002024/01/29 8:302024/01/30 16:002024/01/29 8:30
COMEXMGC202404E-Micro GoldNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/27 16:002024/03/26 8:302024/03/27 16:002024/03/26 8:30
COMEXMGC202406E-Micro GoldNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/30 16:002024/05/29 8:302024/05/30 16:002024/05/29 8:30
COMEXMGC202408E-Micro GoldNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/30 16:002024/07/29 8:302024/07/30 16:002024/07/29 8:30
COMEXMGC202410E-Micro GoldNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/27 16:002024/09/26 8:302024/09/27 16:002024/09/26 8:30
COMEXSI202312SilverNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/29 16:002023/11/28 8:252023/12/27 13:252023/12/26 8:25
COMEXSI202407SilverNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/27 16:002024/06/26 8:252024/07/29 13:252024/07/26 8:25
COMEXSI202401SilverNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/28 16:002023/12/27 8:252024/01/29 13:252024/01/26 8:25
COMEXSI202403SilverNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/28 16:002024/02/27 8:252024/03/26 13:252024/03/25 8:25
COMEXSI202405SilverNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/29 16:002024/04/26 8:252024/05/29 13:252024/05/28 8:25
COMEXSI202409SilverNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/29 16:002024/08/28 8:252024/09/26 13:252024/09/25 8:25
COMEXSI202311SilverNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/10/30 16:002023/10/27 8:252023/11/28 13:252023/11/27 8:25
COMEXSIL202312SilverNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/29 16:002023/11/28 8:252023/12/27 13:252023/12/26 8:25
COMEXSIL202401SilverNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/28 16:002023/12/27 8:252024/01/29 13:252024/01/26 8:25
COMEXSIL202403SilverNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/28 16:002024/02/27 8:252024/03/26 13:252024/03/25 8:25
COMEXSIL202405SilverNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/29 16:002024/04/26 8:252024/05/29 13:252024/05/28 8:25
COMEXSIL202407SilverNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/27 16:002024/06/26 8:252024/07/29 13:252024/07/26 8:25
COMEXSIL202311SilverNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/10/30 16:002023/10/27 8:252023/11/28 13:252023/11/27 8:25
COMEXSIL202409SilverNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/29 16:002024/08/28 8:252024/09/26 13:252024/09/25 8:25
ENDEXECF202312ICE ECX EUANo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 16:302023/12/15 7:002023/12/18 16:302023/12/15 7:00
ENDEXECF202403ICE ECX EUANo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 16:302024/03/15 7:002024/03/18 16:302024/03/15 7:00
ENDEXECF202406ICE ECX EUANo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/24 16:302024/06/21 7:002024/06/24 16:302024/06/21 7:00
ENDEXECF202409ICE ECX EUANo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/30 16:302024/09/27 7:002024/09/30 16:302024/09/27 7:00
ENDEXECF202408ICE ECX EUANo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/19 16:302024/08/16 7:002024/08/19 16:302024/08/16 7:00
ENDEXECF202311ICE ECX EUANo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/27 16:302023/11/24 7:002023/11/27 16:302023/11/24 7:00
ENDEXECF202401ICE ECX EUANo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/29 16:302024/01/26 7:002024/01/29 16:302024/01/26 7:00
ENDEXTFM202312Dutch TTF Natural Gas Monthly FuturesNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/29 0:002023/11/28 8:002023/11/29 18:002023/11/28 8:00
ENDEXTFM202403Dutch TTF Natural Gas Monthly FuturesNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/28 0:002024/02/27 8:002024/02/28 18:002024/02/27 8:00
ENDEXTFM202406Dutch TTF Natural Gas Monthly FuturesNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/30 0:002024/05/29 8:002024/05/30 18:002024/05/29 8:00
ENDEXTFM202409Dutch TTF Natural Gas Monthly FuturesNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/29 0:002024/08/28 8:002024/08/29 18:002024/08/28 8:00
ENDEXTFM202401Dutch TTF Natural Gas Monthly FuturesNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/22 18:002023/12/21 8:002023/12/28 18:002023/12/27 8:00
ENDEXTFM202402Dutch TTF Natural Gas Monthly FuturesNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/26 18:002024/01/25 8:002024/01/30 18:002024/01/29 8:00
ENDEXTFM202404Dutch TTF Natural Gas Monthly FuturesNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/25 18:002024/03/22 8:002024/03/27 18:002024/03/26 8:00
ENDEXTFM202405Dutch TTF Natural Gas Monthly FuturesNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/25 18:002024/04/24 8:002024/04/29 18:002024/04/26 8:00
ENDEXTFM202407Dutch TTF Natural Gas Monthly FuturesNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/25 18:002024/06/24 8:002024/06/27 18:002024/06/26 8:00
ENDEXTFM202408Dutch TTF Natural Gas Monthly FuturesNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/26 18:002024/07/25 8:002024/07/30 18:002024/07/29 8:00
ENDEXTFM202410Dutch TTF Natural Gas Monthly FuturesNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/25 18:002024/09/24 8:002024/09/27 18:002024/09/26 8:00
ENDEXTFM202411Dutch TTF Natural Gas Monthly FuturesNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/28 18:002024/10/25 8:002024/10/30 18:002024/10/29 8:00
EUREXCONF202312SWISS BONDSNo2 hours prior to cutoff2023/12/07 12:302023/12/07 10:302023/12/07 12:302023/12/07 10:30
EUREXCONF202403SWISS BONDSNo2 hours prior to cutoff2024/03/07 12:302024/03/07 10:302024/03/07 12:302024/03/07 10:30
EUREXCONF202406SWISS BONDSNo2 hours prior to cutoff2024/06/06 12:302024/06/06 10:302024/06/06 12:302024/06/06 10:30
EUREXFBON202312BONO Futures on long-term Spanish government bondsNo7 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/07 12:302023/11/29 8:002023/12/07 12:302023/11/29 8:00
EUREXFBON202403BONO Futures on long-term Spanish government bondsNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/07 12:302024/02/28 8:002024/03/07 12:302024/02/28 8:00
EUREXFBON202406BONO Futures on long-term Spanish government bondsNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/06 12:302024/05/29 8:002024/06/06 12:302024/05/29 8:00
EUREXFBTP202312Euro-BTP Italian Government BondNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/07 12:302023/12/06 7:502023/12/07 12:302023/12/06 7:50
EUREXFBTP202403Euro-BTP Italian Government BondNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/07 12:302024/03/06 7:502024/03/07 12:302024/03/06 7:50
EUREXFBTP202406Euro-BTP Italian Government BondNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/06 12:302024/06/05 7:502024/06/06 12:302024/06/05 7:50
EUREXFBTS202312Short-Term Euro-BTP Italian BondNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/07 12:302023/12/06 7:502023/12/07 12:302023/12/06 7:50
EUREXFBTS202403Short-Term Euro-BTP Italian BondNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/07 12:302024/03/06 7:502024/03/07 12:302024/03/06 7:50
EUREXFBTS202406Short-Term Euro-BTP Italian BondNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/06 12:302024/06/05 7:502024/06/06 12:302024/06/05 7:50
EUREXFGBL202312Euro BUNDNo2 hours prior to cutoff2023/12/07 12:302023/12/07 10:302023/12/07 12:302023/12/07 10:30
EUREXFGBL202403Euro BUNDNo2 hours prior to cutoff2024/03/07 12:302024/03/07 10:302024/03/07 12:302024/03/07 10:30
EUREXFGBL202406Euro BUNDNo2 hours prior to cutoff2024/06/06 12:302024/06/06 10:302024/06/06 12:302024/06/06 10:30
EUREXFGBM202312Euro BOBLNo2 hours prior to cutoff2023/12/07 12:302023/12/07 10:302023/12/07 12:302023/12/07 10:30
EUREXFGBM202403Euro BOBLNo2 hours prior to cutoff2024/03/07 12:302024/03/07 10:302024/03/07 12:302024/03/07 10:30
EUREXFGBM202406Euro BOBLNo2 hours prior to cutoff2024/06/06 12:302024/06/06 10:302024/06/06 12:302024/06/06 10:30
EUREXFGBS202312Euro SCHATZNo2 hours prior to cutoff2023/12/07 12:302023/12/07 10:302023/12/07 12:302023/12/07 10:30
EUREXFGBS202403Euro SCHATZNo2 hours prior to cutoff2024/03/07 12:302024/03/07 10:302024/03/07 12:302024/03/07 10:30
EUREXFGBS202406Euro SCHATZNo2 hours prior to cutoff2024/06/06 12:302024/06/06 10:302024/06/06 12:302024/06/06 10:30
EUREXFGBX202312Euro BUXLNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/07 12:302023/12/06 7:502023/12/07 12:302023/12/06 7:50
EUREXFGBX202403Euro BUXLNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/07 12:302024/03/06 7:502024/03/07 12:302024/03/06 7:50
EUREXFGBX202406Euro BUXLNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/06 12:302024/06/05 7:502024/06/06 12:302024/06/05 7:50
EUREXFOAT202312Euro-OAT French Government Bond IndexNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/07 12:302023/12/06 7:502023/12/07 12:302023/12/06 7:50
EUREXFOAT202403Euro-OAT French Government Bond IndexNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/07 12:302024/03/06 7:502024/03/07 12:302024/03/06 7:50
EUREXFOAT202406Euro-OAT French Government Bond IndexNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/06 12:302024/06/05 7:502024/06/06 12:302024/06/05 7:50
HKFECUS202312CNH FXYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 11:002023/12/15 9:002023/12/18 11:002023/12/15 9:00
HKFECUS202403CNH FXYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 11:002024/03/15 9:002024/03/18 11:002024/03/15 9:00
HKFECUS202406CNH FXYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 11:002024/06/14 9:002024/06/17 11:002024/06/14 9:00
HKFECUS202409CNH FXYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 11:002024/09/13 9:002024/09/16 11:002024/09/13 9:00
HKFECUS202401CNH FXYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/15 11:002024/01/12 9:002024/01/15 11:002024/01/12 9:00
HKFECUS202402CNH FXYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/19 11:002024/02/16 9:002024/02/19 11:002024/02/16 9:00
HKFEGDR202312GoldNo3 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/12 16:302023/12/08 8:302023/12/18 16:302023/12/14 8:30
HKFEGDR202401GoldNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/09 16:302024/01/05 8:302024/01/15 16:302024/01/11 8:30
HKFEGDR202402GoldNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/09 16:302024/02/07 8:302024/02/19 16:302024/02/15 8:30
HKFEGDR202403GoldNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/12 16:302024/03/08 8:302024/03/18 16:302024/03/14 8:30
HKFEGDR202404GoldNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/09 16:302024/04/05 8:302024/04/15 16:302024/04/11 8:30
HKFEGDR202405GoldNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/13 16:302024/05/09 8:302024/05/20 16:302024/05/16 8:30
HKFEGDR202406GoldNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/11 16:302024/06/07 8:302024/06/17 16:302024/06/13 8:30
HKFEGDR202407GoldNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/09 16:302024/07/05 8:302024/07/15 16:302024/07/11 8:30
HKFEGDR202408GoldNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/13 16:302024/08/09 8:302024/08/19 16:302024/08/15 8:30
HKFEGDR202409GoldNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/10 16:302024/09/06 8:302024/09/16 16:302024/09/12 8:30
HKFEGDR202410GoldNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/15 16:302024/10/11 8:302024/10/21 16:302024/10/17 8:30
HKFEGDR202411GoldNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/11/12 16:302024/11/08 8:302024/11/18 16:302024/11/14 8:30
HKFEGDU202312GoldNo3 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/12 16:302023/12/08 8:302023/12/12 16:302023/12/08 8:30
HKFEGDU202401GoldNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/09 16:302024/01/05 8:302024/01/09 16:302024/01/05 8:30
HKFEGDU202402GoldNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/09 16:302024/02/07 8:302024/02/09 16:302024/02/07 8:30
HKFEGDU202403GoldNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/12 16:302024/03/08 8:302024/03/12 16:302024/03/08 8:30
HKFEGDU202404GoldNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/09 16:302024/04/05 8:302024/04/09 16:302024/04/05 8:30
HKFEGDU202405GoldNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/13 16:302024/05/09 8:302024/05/13 16:302024/05/09 8:30
HKFEGDU202406GoldNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/11 16:302024/06/07 8:302024/06/11 16:302024/06/07 8:30
HKFEGDU202407GoldNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/09 16:302024/07/05 8:302024/07/09 16:302024/07/05 8:30
HKFEGDU202408GoldNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/13 16:302024/08/09 8:302024/08/13 16:302024/08/09 8:30
HKFEGDU202409GoldNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/10 16:302024/09/06 8:302024/09/10 16:302024/09/06 8:30
HKFEGDU202410GoldNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/15 16:302024/10/11 8:302024/10/15 16:302024/10/11 8:30
HKFEGDU202411GoldNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/11/12 16:302024/11/08 8:302024/11/12 16:302024/11/08 8:30
ICEEUG202312Short GiltNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/29 16:302023/11/28 8:002023/11/29 16:302023/11/28 8:00
ICEEUG202403Short GiltNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/28 16:302024/02/27 8:002024/02/28 16:302024/02/27 8:00
ICEEUH202312Medium GiltNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/29 16:302023/11/28 8:002023/11/29 16:302023/11/28 8:00
ICEEUH202403Medium GiltNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/28 16:302024/02/27 8:002024/02/28 16:302024/02/27 8:00
ICEEUR202312Long GiltNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/29 16:302023/11/28 8:002023/11/29 16:302023/11/28 8:00
ICEEUR202403Long GiltNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/28 16:302024/02/27 8:002024/02/28 16:302024/02/27 8:00
ICEEUR202406Long GiltNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/30 16:302024/05/29 8:002024/05/30 16:302024/05/29 8:00
ICEEUSOFTC202312CocoaNo3 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/12 12:002023/12/08 9:302023/12/12 12:002023/12/08 9:30
ICEEUSOFTC202403CocoaNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/13 12:002024/03/11 9:302024/03/13 12:002024/03/11 9:30
ICEEUSOFTC202405CocoaNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/15 12:002024/05/13 9:302024/05/15 12:002024/05/13 9:30
ICEEUSOFTC202407CocoaNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/16 12:002024/07/12 9:302024/07/16 12:002024/07/12 9:30
ICEEUSOFTC202409CocoaNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/13 12:002024/09/11 9:302024/09/13 12:002024/09/11 9:30
ICEEUSOFTRC202311Robusta coffeeNo3 business days prior to cutoff2023/10/26 17:302023/10/24 9:002023/10/26 17:302023/10/24 9:00
ICEEUSOFTRC202401Robusta coffeeNo3 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/22 17:302023/12/20 9:002023/12/22 17:302023/12/20 9:00
ICEEUSOFTRC202403Robusta coffeeNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/26 17:302024/02/22 9:002024/02/26 17:302024/02/22 9:00
ICEEUSOFTRC202405Robusta coffeeNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/25 17:302024/04/23 9:002024/04/25 17:302024/04/23 9:00
ICEEUSOFTRC202407Robusta coffeeNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/25 17:302024/06/21 9:002024/06/25 17:302024/06/21 9:00
ICEEUSOFTRC202409Robusta coffeeNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/27 17:302024/08/23 9:002024/08/27 17:302024/08/23 9:00
ICEEUSOFTRC202411Robusta coffeeNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/28 17:302024/10/24 9:002024/10/28 17:302024/10/24 9:00
ICEEUSOFTT202401WheatNo3 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/25 16:302023/12/21 9:252024/01/23 12:302024/01/19 9:25
ICEEUSOFTT202403WheatNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/23 16:302024/02/21 9:252024/03/22 12:302024/03/20 9:25
ICEEUSOFTT202405WheatNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/24 16:302024/04/22 9:252024/05/23 12:302024/05/21 9:25
ICEEUSOFTT202411WheatNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/25 16:302024/10/23 9:252024/11/22 12:302024/11/20 9:25
ICEEUSOFTT202407WheatNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/24 16:302024/06/20 9:252024/07/05 12:302024/07/03 9:25
ICEEUSOFTW202403White sugarNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/14 17:552024/02/12 8:452024/02/14 17:552024/02/12 8:45
ICEEUSOFTW202405White sugarNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/15 17:552024/04/11 8:452024/04/15 17:552024/04/11 8:45
ICEEUSOFTW202408White sugarNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/16 17:552024/07/12 8:452024/07/16 17:552024/07/12 8:45
ICEEUSOFTW202410White sugarNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/13 17:552024/09/11 8:452024/09/13 17:552024/09/11 8:45
ICEEUSOFTW202412White sugarNo3 business days prior to cutoff2024/11/15 17:552024/11/13 8:452024/11/15 17:552024/11/13 8:45
ICEUSKAU202312AUD CashYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 00:00 (ET)2023/12/15 8:05 (ET)2023/12/18 15:00 (ET)2023/12/15 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKAU202403AUD CashYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 00:00 (ET)2024/03/15 8:05 (ET)2024/03/18 15:00 (ET)2024/03/15 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKAU202406AUD CashYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 00:00 (ET)2024/06/14 8:05 (ET)2024/06/17 15:00 (ET)2024/06/14 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKAU202409AUD CashYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 00:00 (ET)2024/09/13 8:05 (ET)2024/09/16 15:00 (ET)2024/09/13 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKEJ202312Euro-Japanese Yen IndexYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 10:16 (ET)2023/12/15 8:05 (ET)2023/12/18 10:16 (ET)2023/12/15 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKEJ202403Euro-Japanese Yen IndexYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 10:16 (ET)2024/03/15 8:05 (ET)2024/03/18 10:16 (ET)2024/03/15 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKEJ202406Euro-Japanese Yen IndexYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 10:16 (ET)2024/06/14 8:05 (ET)2024/06/17 10:16 (ET)2024/06/14 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKEJ202409Euro-Japanese Yen IndexYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 10:16 (ET)2024/09/13 8:05 (ET)2024/09/16 10:16 (ET)2024/09/13 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKEO202312EUR Cash USDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 00:00 (ET)2023/12/15 8:05 (ET)2023/12/18 15:00 (ET)2023/12/15 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKEO202403EUR Cash USDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 00:00 (ET)2024/03/15 8:05 (ET)2024/03/18 15:00 (ET)2024/03/15 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKEO202406EUR Cash USDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 00:00 (ET)2024/06/14 8:05 (ET)2024/06/17 15:00 (ET)2024/06/14 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKEO202409EUR Cash USDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 00:00 (ET)2024/09/13 8:05 (ET)2024/09/16 15:00 (ET)2024/09/13 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKEP202312EUR Cash CADYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 10:16 (ET)2023/12/15 8:05 (ET)2023/12/18 10:16 (ET)2023/12/15 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKEP202403EUR Cash CADYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 10:16 (ET)2024/03/15 8:05 (ET)2024/03/18 10:16 (ET)2024/03/15 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKEP202406EUR Cash CADYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 10:16 (ET)2024/06/14 8:05 (ET)2024/06/17 10:16 (ET)2024/06/14 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKEP202409EUR Cash CADYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 10:16 (ET)2024/09/13 8:05 (ET)2024/09/16 10:16 (ET)2024/09/13 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKGB202312Euro-British Pound IndexYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 10:16 (ET)2023/12/15 8:05 (ET)2023/12/18 10:16 (ET)2023/12/15 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKGB202403Euro-British Pound IndexYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 10:16 (ET)2024/03/15 8:05 (ET)2024/03/18 10:16 (ET)2024/03/15 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKGB202406Euro-British Pound IndexYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 10:16 (ET)2024/06/14 8:05 (ET)2024/06/17 10:16 (ET)2024/06/14 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKGB202409Euro-British Pound IndexYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 10:16 (ET)2024/09/13 8:05 (ET)2024/09/16 10:16 (ET)2024/09/13 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKRA202312EUR Cash AUDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 10:16 (ET)2023/12/15 8:05 (ET)2023/12/18 10:16 (ET)2023/12/15 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKRA202403EUR Cash AUDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 10:16 (ET)2024/03/15 8:05 (ET)2024/03/18 10:16 (ET)2024/03/15 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKRA202406EUR Cash AUDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 10:16 (ET)2024/06/14 8:05 (ET)2024/06/17 10:16 (ET)2024/06/14 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKRA202409EUR Cash AUDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 10:16 (ET)2024/09/13 8:05 (ET)2024/09/16 10:16 (ET)2024/09/13 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKRZ202312EUR Swiss FrancYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 10:16 (ET)2023/12/15 8:05 (ET)2023/12/18 10:16 (ET)2023/12/15 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKRZ202403EUR Swiss FrancYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 10:16 (ET)2024/03/15 8:05 (ET)2024/03/18 10:16 (ET)2024/03/15 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKRZ202406EUR Swiss FrancYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 10:16 (ET)2024/06/14 8:05 (ET)2024/06/17 10:16 (ET)2024/06/14 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKRZ202409EUR Swiss FrancYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 10:16 (ET)2024/09/13 8:05 (ET)2024/09/16 10:16 (ET)2024/09/13 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKZY202312Swiss Franc-Japanese Yen IndexYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 10:16 (ET)2023/12/15 8:05 (ET)2023/12/18 10:16 (ET)2023/12/15 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKZY202403Swiss Franc-Japanese Yen IndexYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 10:16 (ET)2024/03/15 8:05 (ET)2024/03/18 10:16 (ET)2024/03/15 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKZY202406Swiss Franc-Japanese Yen IndexYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 10:16 (ET)2024/06/14 8:05 (ET)2024/06/17 10:16 (ET)2024/06/14 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSKZY202409Swiss Franc-Japanese Yen IndexYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 10:16 (ET)2024/09/13 8:05 (ET)2024/09/16 10:16 (ET)2024/09/13 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSMP202312GBP USDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 00:00 (ET)2023/12/15 8:05 (ET)2023/12/18 15:00 (ET)2023/12/15 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSMP202403GBP USDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 00:00 (ET)2024/03/15 8:05 (ET)2024/03/18 15:00 (ET)2024/03/15 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSMP202406GBP USDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 00:00 (ET)2024/06/14 8:05 (ET)2024/06/17 15:00 (ET)2024/06/14 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSMP202409GBP USDYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 00:00 (ET)2024/09/13 8:05 (ET)2024/09/16 15:00 (ET)2024/09/13 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSSS202312USD CHFYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 09:16 (ET)2023/12/15 8:05 (ET)2023/12/18 09:16 (ET)2023/12/15 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSSS202403USD CHFYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 09:16 (ET)2024/03/15 8:05 (ET)2024/03/18 09:16 (ET)2024/03/15 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSSS202406USD CHFYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 09:16 (ET)2024/06/14 8:05 (ET)2024/06/17 09:16 (ET)2024/06/14 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSSS202409USD CHFYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 09:16 (ET)2024/09/13 8:05 (ET)2024/09/16 09:16 (ET)2024/09/13 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSSY202312GBP in JPYYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 00:00 (ET)2023/12/15 8:05 (ET)2023/12/18 15:00 (ET)2023/12/15 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSSY202403GBP in JPYYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 00:00 (ET)2024/03/15 8:05 (ET)2024/03/18 15:00 (ET)2024/03/15 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSSY202406GBP in JPYYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 00:00 (ET)2024/06/14 8:05 (ET)2024/06/17 15:00 (ET)2024/06/14 8:05 (ET)
ICEUSSY202409GBP in JPYYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 00:00 (ET)2024/09/13 8:05 (ET)2024/09/16 15:00 (ET)2024/09/13 8:05 (ET)
IPECOIL202401Brent crudeNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/30 19:00 (GMT)2023/11/29 9:00 (GMT)2023/11/30 19:00 (GMT)2023/11/29 9:00 (GMT)
IPECOIL202402Brent crudeNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/28 19:00 (GMT)2023/12/27 9:00 (GMT)2023/12/28 19:00 (GMT)2023/12/27 9:00 (GMT)
IPECOIL202403Brent crudeNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/31 19:00 (GMT)2024/01/30 9:00 (GMT)2024/01/31 19:00 (GMT)2024/01/30 9:00 (GMT)
IPECOIL202404Brent crudeNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/29 19:00 (GMT)2024/02/28 9:00 (GMT)2024/02/29 19:00 (GMT)2024/02/28 9:00 (GMT)
IPECOIL202405Brent crudeNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/28 19:00 (GMT)2024/03/27 9:00 (GMT)2024/03/28 19:00 (GMT)2024/03/27 9:00 (GMT)
IPECOIL202406Brent crudeNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/30 19:00 (GMT)2024/04/29 9:00 (GMT)2024/04/30 19:00 (GMT)2024/04/29 9:00 (GMT)
IPECOIL202407Brent crudeNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/31 19:00 (GMT)2024/05/30 9:00 (GMT)2024/05/31 19:00 (GMT)2024/05/30 9:00 (GMT)
IPECOIL202408Brent crudeNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/28 19:00 (GMT)2024/06/27 9:00 (GMT)2024/06/28 19:00 (GMT)2024/06/27 9:00 (GMT)
IPECOIL202409Brent crudeNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/31 19:00 (GMT)2024/07/30 9:00 (GMT)2024/07/31 19:00 (GMT)2024/07/30 9:00 (GMT)
IPECOIL202410Brent crudeNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/30 19:00 (GMT)2024/08/29 9:00 (GMT)2024/08/30 19:00 (GMT)2024/08/29 9:00 (GMT)
IPECOIL202411Brent crudeNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/30 19:00 (GMT)2024/09/27 9:00 (GMT)2024/09/30 19:00 (GMT)2024/09/27 9:00 (GMT)
IPECOIL202412Brent crudeNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/31 19:00 (GMT)2024/10/30 9:00 (GMT)2024/10/31 19:00 (GMT)2024/10/30 9:00 (GMT)
IPEGOIL202312Gas OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/12 12:00 (GMT)2023/12/11 9:00 (GMT)2023/12/12 12:00 (GMT)2023/12/11 9:00 (GMT)
IPEGOIL202401Gas OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/11 12:00 (GMT)2024/01/10 9:00 (GMT)2024/01/11 12:00 (GMT)2024/01/10 9:00 (GMT)
IPEGOIL202402Gas OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/12 12:00 (GMT)2024/02/09 9:00 (GMT)2024/02/12 12:00 (GMT)2024/02/09 9:00 (GMT)
IPEGOIL202403Gas OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/12 12:00 (GMT)2024/03/11 9:00 (GMT)2024/03/12 12:00 (GMT)2024/03/11 9:00 (GMT)
IPEGOIL202404Gas OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/11 12:00 (GMT)2024/04/10 9:00 (GMT)2024/04/11 12:00 (GMT)2024/04/10 9:00 (GMT)
IPEGOIL202405Gas OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/10 12:00 (GMT)2024/05/09 9:00 (GMT)2024/05/10 12:00 (GMT)2024/05/09 9:00 (GMT)
IPEGOIL202406Gas OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/12 12:00 (GMT)2024/06/11 9:00 (GMT)2024/06/12 12:00 (GMT)2024/06/11 9:00 (GMT)
IPEGOIL202407Gas OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/11 12:00 (GMT)2024/07/10 9:00 (GMT)2024/07/11 12:00 (GMT)2024/07/10 9:00 (GMT)
IPEGOIL202408Gas OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/12 12:00 (GMT)2024/08/09 9:00 (GMT)2024/08/12 12:00 (GMT)2024/08/09 9:00 (GMT)
IPEGOIL202409Gas OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/12 12:00 (GMT)2024/09/11 9:00 (GMT)2024/09/12 12:00 (GMT)2024/09/11 9:00 (GMT)
IPEGOIL202410Gas OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/10 12:00 (GMT)2024/10/09 9:00 (GMT)2024/10/10 12:00 (GMT)2024/10/09 9:00 (GMT)
IPEGOIL202411Gas OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/11/12 12:00 (GMT)2024/11/11 9:00 (GMT)2024/11/12 12:00 (GMT)2024/11/11 9:00 (GMT)
IPEHOIL202312Heating OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/29 19:00 (GMT)2023/11/28 9:00 (GMT)2023/11/29 19:00 (GMT)2023/11/28 9:00 (GMT)
IPEHOIL202401Heating OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/28 19:00 (GMT)2023/12/27 9:00 (GMT)2023/12/28 19:00 (GMT)2023/12/27 9:00 (GMT)
IPEHOIL202402Heating OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/30 19:00 (GMT)2024/01/29 9:00 (GMT)2024/01/30 19:00 (GMT)2024/01/29 9:00 (GMT)
IPEHOIL202403Heating OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/28 19:00 (GMT)2024/02/27 9:00 (GMT)2024/02/28 19:00 (GMT)2024/02/27 9:00 (GMT)
IPEHOIL202404Heating OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/27 19:00 (GMT)2024/03/26 9:00 (GMT)2024/03/27 19:00 (GMT)2024/03/26 9:00 (GMT)
IPEHOIL202405Heating OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/29 19:00 (GMT)2024/04/26 9:00 (GMT)2024/04/29 19:00 (GMT)2024/04/26 9:00 (GMT)
IPEHOIL202406Heating OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/30 19:00 (GMT)2024/05/29 9:00 (GMT)2024/05/30 19:00 (GMT)2024/05/29 9:00 (GMT)
IPEHOIL202407Heating OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/27 19:00 (GMT)2024/06/26 9:00 (GMT)2024/06/27 19:00 (GMT)2024/06/26 9:00 (GMT)
IPEHOIL202408Heating OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/30 19:00 (GMT)2024/07/29 9:00 (GMT)2024/07/30 19:00 (GMT)2024/07/29 9:00 (GMT)
IPEHOIL202409Heating OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/29 19:00 (GMT)2024/08/28 9:00 (GMT)2024/08/29 19:00 (GMT)2024/08/28 9:00 (GMT)
IPEHOIL202410Heating OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/27 19:00 (GMT)2024/09/26 9:00 (GMT)2024/09/27 19:00 (GMT)2024/09/26 9:00 (GMT)
IPEHOIL202411Heating OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/30 19:00 (GMT)2024/10/29 9:00 (GMT)2024/10/30 19:00 (GMT)2024/10/29 9:00 (GMT)
IPENGF202312Natural GasNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/29 16:00 (GMT)2023/11/28 9:00 (GMT)2023/11/29 16:00 (GMT)2023/11/28 9:00 (GMT)
IPENGF202401Natural GasNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/28 16:00 (GMT)2023/12/27 9:00 (GMT)2023/12/28 16:00 (GMT)2023/12/27 9:00 (GMT)
IPENGF202402Natural GasNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/30 16:00 (GMT)2024/01/29 9:00 (GMT)2024/01/30 16:00 (GMT)2024/01/29 9:00 (GMT)
IPENGF202403Natural GasNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/28 16:00 (GMT)2024/02/27 9:00 (GMT)2024/02/28 16:00 (GMT)2024/02/27 9:00 (GMT)
IPENGF202404Natural GasNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/27 16:00 (GMT)2024/03/26 9:00 (GMT)2024/03/27 16:00 (GMT)2024/03/26 9:00 (GMT)
IPENGF202405Natural GasNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/29 16:00 (GMT)2024/04/26 9:00 (GMT)2024/04/29 16:00 (GMT)2024/04/26 9:00 (GMT)
IPENGF202406Natural GasNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/30 16:00 (GMT)2024/05/29 9:00 (GMT)2024/05/30 16:00 (GMT)2024/05/29 9:00 (GMT)
IPENGF202407Natural GasNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/27 16:00 (GMT)2024/06/26 9:00 (GMT)2024/06/27 16:00 (GMT)2024/06/26 9:00 (GMT)
IPENGF202408Natural GasNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/30 16:00 (GMT)2024/07/29 9:00 (GMT)2024/07/30 16:00 (GMT)2024/07/29 9:00 (GMT)
IPENGF202409Natural GasNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/29 16:00 (GMT)2024/08/28 9:00 (GMT)2024/08/29 16:00 (GMT)2024/08/28 9:00 (GMT)
IPENGF202410Natural GasNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/27 16:00 (GMT)2024/09/26 9:00 (GMT)2024/09/27 16:00 (GMT)2024/09/26 9:00 (GMT)
IPENGF202411Natural GasNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/30 16:00 (GMT)2024/10/29 9:00 (GMT)2024/10/30 16:00 (GMT)2024/10/29 9:00 (GMT)
IPERBOB202312NY RBOB gasolineNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/29 19:00 (GMT)2023/11/28 9:00 (GMT)2023/11/29 19:00 (GMT)2023/11/28 9:00 (GMT)
IPERBOB202401NY RBOB gasolineNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/28 19:00 (GMT)2023/12/27 9:00 (GMT)2023/12/28 19:00 (GMT)2023/12/27 9:00 (GMT)
IPERBOB202402NY RBOB gasolineNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/30 19:00 (GMT)2024/01/29 9:00 (GMT)2024/01/30 19:00 (GMT)2024/01/29 9:00 (GMT)
IPERBOB202403NY RBOB gasolineNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/28 19:00 (GMT)2024/02/27 9:00 (GMT)2024/02/28 19:00 (GMT)2024/02/27 9:00 (GMT)
IPERBOB202404NY RBOB gasolineNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/27 19:00 (GMT)2024/03/26 9:00 (GMT)2024/03/27 19:00 (GMT)2024/03/26 9:00 (GMT)
IPERBOB202405NY RBOB gasolineNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/29 19:00 (GMT)2024/04/26 9:00 (GMT)2024/04/29 19:00 (GMT)2024/04/26 9:00 (GMT)
IPERBOB202406NY RBOB gasolineNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/30 19:00 (GMT)2024/05/29 9:00 (GMT)2024/05/30 19:00 (GMT)2024/05/29 9:00 (GMT)
IPERBOB202407NY RBOB gasolineNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/27 19:00 (GMT)2024/06/26 9:00 (GMT)2024/06/27 19:00 (GMT)2024/06/26 9:00 (GMT)
IPERBOB202408NY RBOB gasolineNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/30 19:00 (GMT)2024/07/29 9:00 (GMT)2024/07/30 19:00 (GMT)2024/07/29 9:00 (GMT)
IPERBOB202409NY RBOB gasolineNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/29 19:00 (GMT)2024/08/28 9:00 (GMT)2024/08/29 19:00 (GMT)2024/08/28 9:00 (GMT)
IPERBOB202410NY RBOB gasolineNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/27 19:00 (GMT)2024/09/26 9:00 (GMT)2024/09/27 19:00 (GMT)2024/09/26 9:00 (GMT)
IPERBOB202411NY RBOB gasolineNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/30 19:00 (GMT)2024/10/29 9:00 (GMT)2024/10/30 19:00 (GMT)2024/10/29 9:00 (GMT)
IPEWTI202412Light WTI CrudeNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/11/19 19:00 (GMT)2024/11/18 9:00 (GMT)2024/11/19 19:00 (GMT)2024/11/18 9:00 (GMT)
IPEWTI202406Light WTI CrudeNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/20 19:00 (GMT)2024/05/17 9:00 (GMT)2024/05/20 19:00 (GMT)2024/05/17 9:00 (GMT)
IPEWTI202401Light WTI CrudeNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 19:00 (GMT)2023/12/15 9:00 (GMT)2023/12/18 19:00 (GMT)2023/12/15 9:00 (GMT)
IPEWTI202402Light WTI CrudeNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/19 19:00 (GMT)2024/01/18 9:00 (GMT)2024/01/19 19:00 (GMT)2024/01/18 9:00 (GMT)
IPEWTI202403Light WTI CrudeNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/16 19:00 (GMT)2024/02/15 9:00 (GMT)2024/02/16 19:00 (GMT)2024/02/15 9:00 (GMT)
IPEWTI202404Light WTI CrudeNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/19 19:00 (GMT)2024/03/18 9:00 (GMT)2024/03/19 19:00 (GMT)2024/03/18 9:00 (GMT)
IPEWTI202405Light WTI CrudeNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/19 19:00 (GMT)2024/04/18 9:00 (GMT)2024/04/19 19:00 (GMT)2024/04/18 9:00 (GMT)
IPEWTI202407Light WTI CrudeNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/18 19:00 (GMT)2024/06/17 9:00 (GMT)2024/06/18 19:00 (GMT)2024/06/17 9:00 (GMT)
IPEWTI202408Light WTI CrudeNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/19 19:00 (GMT)2024/07/18 9:00 (GMT)2024/07/19 19:00 (GMT)2024/07/18 9:00 (GMT)
IPEWTI202409Light WTI CrudeNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/19 19:00 (GMT)2024/08/16 9:00 (GMT)2024/08/19 19:00 (GMT)2024/08/16 9:00 (GMT)
IPEWTI202410Light WTI CrudeNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/19 19:00 (GMT)2024/09/18 9:00 (GMT)2024/09/19 19:00 (GMT)2024/09/18 9:00 (GMT)
IPEWTI202411Light WTI CrudeNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/21 19:00 (GMT)2024/10/18 9:00 (GMT)2024/10/21 19:00 (GMT)2024/10/18 9:00 (GMT)
KSE175202312USD/KRWNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 11:302023/12/15 9:002023/12/18 11:302023/12/15 9:00
KSE175202403USD/KRWNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 11:302024/03/15 9:002024/03/18 11:302024/03/15 9:00
KSE175202406USD/KRWNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 11:302024/06/14 9:002024/06/17 11:302024/06/14 9:00
KSE175202409USD/KRWNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/13 11:302024/09/12 9:002024/09/13 11:302024/09/12 9:00
KSE175202401USD/KRWNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/15 11:302024/01/12 9:002024/01/15 11:302024/01/12 9:00
KSE175202402USD/KRWNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/19 11:302024/02/16 9:002024/02/19 11:302024/02/16 9:00
KSE175202404USD/KRWNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/15 11:302024/04/12 9:002024/04/15 11:302024/04/12 9:00
KSE175202405USD/KRWNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/20 11:302024/05/17 9:002024/05/20 11:302024/05/17 9:00
KSE175202407USD/KRWNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/15 11:302024/07/12 9:002024/07/15 11:302024/07/12 9:00
KSE175202408USD/KRWNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/19 11:302024/08/16 9:002024/08/19 11:302024/08/16 9:00
KSE175202410USD/KRWNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/21 11:302024/10/18 9:002024/10/21 11:302024/10/18 9:00
KSE175202411USD/KRWNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/11/18 11:302024/11/15 9:002024/11/18 11:302024/11/15 9:00
LMEOTCAH202312AluminumNo7 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/20 16:352023/12/12 9:102023/12/20 16:352023/12/12 9:10
LMEOTCAH202401AluminumNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/17 16:352024/01/09 9:102024/01/17 16:352024/01/09 9:10
LMEOTCAH202402AluminumNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/21 16:352024/02/13 9:102024/02/21 16:352024/02/13 9:10
LMEOTCAH202403AluminumNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/20 16:352024/03/12 9:102024/03/20 16:352024/03/12 9:10
LMEOTCAH202404AluminumNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/17 16:352024/04/09 9:102024/04/17 16:352024/04/09 9:10
LMEOTCAH202405AluminumNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/15 16:352024/05/07 9:102024/05/15 16:352024/05/07 9:10
LMEOTCAH202406AluminumNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/19 16:352024/06/11 9:102024/06/19 16:352024/06/11 9:10
LMEOTCAH202407AluminumNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/17 16:352024/07/09 9:102024/07/17 16:352024/07/09 9:10
LMEOTCAH202408AluminumNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/21 16:352024/08/13 9:102024/08/21 16:352024/08/13 9:10
LMEOTCAH202409AluminumNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/18 16:352024/09/10 9:102024/09/18 16:352024/09/10 9:10
LMEOTCAH202410AluminumNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/16 16:352024/10/08 9:102024/10/16 16:352024/10/08 9:10
LMEOTCAH202411AluminumNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/11/20 16:352024/11/12 9:102024/11/20 16:352024/11/12 9:10
LMEOTCAH202311AluminumNo7 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/15 17:002023/11/07 9:102023/11/24 16:352023/11/16 9:10
LMEOTCCA202312CopperNo7 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/20 16:502023/12/12 9:102023/12/20 16:502023/12/12 9:10
LMEOTCCA202401CopperNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/17 16:502024/01/09 9:102024/01/17 16:502024/01/09 9:10
LMEOTCCA202402CopperNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/21 16:502024/02/13 9:102024/02/21 16:502024/02/13 9:10
LMEOTCCA202403CopperNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/20 16:502024/03/12 9:102024/03/20 16:502024/03/12 9:10
LMEOTCCA202404CopperNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/17 16:502024/04/09 9:102024/04/17 16:502024/04/09 9:10
LMEOTCCA202405CopperNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/15 16:502024/05/07 9:102024/05/15 16:502024/05/07 9:10
LMEOTCCA202406CopperNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/19 16:502024/06/11 9:102024/06/19 16:502024/06/11 9:10
LMEOTCCA202407CopperNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/17 16:502024/07/09 9:102024/07/17 16:502024/07/09 9:10
LMEOTCCA202408CopperNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/21 16:502024/08/13 9:102024/08/21 16:502024/08/13 9:10
LMEOTCCA202409CopperNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/18 16:502024/09/10 9:102024/09/18 16:502024/09/10 9:10
LMEOTCCA202410CopperNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/16 16:502024/10/08 9:102024/10/16 16:502024/10/08 9:10
LMEOTCCA202411CopperNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/11/20 16:502024/11/12 9:102024/11/20 16:502024/11/12 9:10
LMEOTCCA202311CopperNo7 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/15 17:002023/11/07 9:102023/11/24 16:502023/11/16 9:10
LMEOTCPB202312LeadNo7 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/20 16:202023/12/12 9:102023/12/20 16:202023/12/12 9:10
LMEOTCPB202401LeadNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/17 16:202024/01/09 9:102024/01/17 16:202024/01/09 9:10
LMEOTCPB202402LeadNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/21 16:202024/02/13 9:102024/02/21 16:202024/02/13 9:10
LMEOTCPB202403LeadNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/20 16:202024/03/12 9:102024/03/20 16:202024/03/12 9:10
LMEOTCPB202404LeadNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/17 16:202024/04/09 9:102024/04/17 16:202024/04/09 9:10
LMEOTCPB202405LeadNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/15 16:202024/05/07 9:102024/05/15 16:202024/05/07 9:10
LMEOTCPB202406LeadNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/19 16:202024/06/11 9:102024/06/19 16:202024/06/11 9:10
LMEOTCPB202407LeadNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/17 16:202024/07/09 9:102024/07/17 16:202024/07/09 9:10
LMEOTCPB202408LeadNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/21 16:202024/08/13 9:102024/08/21 16:202024/08/13 9:10
LMEOTCPB202409LeadNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/18 16:202024/09/10 9:102024/09/18 16:202024/09/10 9:10
LMEOTCPB202410LeadNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/16 16:202024/10/08 9:102024/10/16 16:202024/10/08 9:10
LMEOTCPB202411LeadNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/11/20 16:202024/11/12 9:102024/11/20 16:202024/11/12 9:10
LMEOTCPB202311LeadNo7 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/15 17:002023/11/07 9:102023/11/24 16:202023/11/16 9:10
LMEOTCSN202312TinNo7 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/20 16:102023/12/12 9:102023/12/20 16:102023/12/12 9:10
LMEOTCSN202401TinNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/17 16:102024/01/09 9:102024/01/17 16:102024/01/09 9:10
LMEOTCSN202402TinNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/21 16:102024/02/13 9:102024/02/21 16:102024/02/13 9:10
LMEOTCSN202403TinNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/20 16:102024/03/12 9:102024/03/20 16:102024/03/12 9:10
LMEOTCSN202404TinNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/17 16:102024/04/09 9:102024/04/17 16:102024/04/09 9:10
LMEOTCSN202405TinNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/15 16:102024/05/07 9:102024/05/15 16:102024/05/07 9:10
LMEOTCSN202406TinNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/19 16:102024/06/11 9:102024/06/19 16:102024/06/11 9:10
LMEOTCSN202407TinNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/17 16:102024/07/09 9:102024/07/17 16:102024/07/09 9:10
LMEOTCSN202408TinNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/21 16:102024/08/13 9:102024/08/21 16:102024/08/13 9:10
LMEOTCSN202409TinNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/18 16:102024/09/10 9:102024/09/18 16:102024/09/10 9:10
LMEOTCSN202410TinNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/16 16:102024/10/08 9:102024/10/16 16:102024/10/08 9:10
LMEOTCSN202411TinNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/11/20 16:102024/11/12 9:102024/11/20 16:102024/11/12 9:10
LMEOTCSN202311TinNo7 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/15 17:002023/11/07 9:102023/11/24 16:102023/11/16 9:10
LMEOTCZS202312ZincNo7 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/20 16:002023/12/12 9:102023/12/20 16:002023/12/12 9:10
LMEOTCZS202401ZincNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/17 16:002024/01/09 9:102024/01/17 16:002024/01/09 9:10
LMEOTCZS202402ZincNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/21 16:002024/02/13 9:102024/02/21 16:002024/02/13 9:10
LMEOTCZS202403ZincNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/20 16:002024/03/12 9:102024/03/20 16:002024/03/12 9:10
LMEOTCZS202404ZincNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/17 16:002024/04/09 9:102024/04/17 16:002024/04/09 9:10
LMEOTCZS202405ZincNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/15 16:002024/05/07 9:102024/05/15 16:002024/05/07 9:10
LMEOTCZS202406ZincNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/19 16:002024/06/11 9:102024/06/19 16:002024/06/11 9:10
LMEOTCZS202407ZincNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/17 16:002024/07/09 9:102024/07/17 16:002024/07/09 9:10
LMEOTCZS202408ZincNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/21 16:002024/08/13 9:102024/08/21 16:002024/08/13 9:10
LMEOTCZS202409ZincNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/18 16:002024/09/10 9:102024/09/18 16:002024/09/10 9:10
LMEOTCZS202410ZincNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/16 16:002024/10/08 9:102024/10/16 16:002024/10/08 9:10
LMEOTCZS202411ZincNo7 business days prior to cutoff2024/11/20 16:002024/11/12 9:102024/11/20 16:002024/11/12 9:10
LMEOTCZS202311ZincNo7 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/15 17:002023/11/07 9:102023/11/24 16:002023/11/16 9:10
MATIFEBM202312Milling WheatNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/04 17:30 (CET)2023/12/01 10:45 (CET)2023/12/04 17:30 (CET)2023/12/01 10:45 (CET)
MATIFEBM202403Milling WheatNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/04 17:30 (CET)2024/03/01 10:45 (CET)2024/03/04 17:30 (CET)2024/03/01 10:45 (CET)
MATIFEBM202405Milling WheatNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/03 17:30 (CET)2024/05/02 10:45 (CET)2024/05/03 17:30 (CET)2024/05/02 10:45 (CET)
MATIFEBM202409Milling WheatNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/03 17:30 (CET)2024/09/02 10:45 (CET)2024/09/03 17:30 (CET)2024/09/02 10:45 (CET)
MATIFECO202402RapeseedNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/31 17:30 (CET)2024/01/30 10:45 (CET)2024/01/31 17:30 (CET)2024/01/30 10:45 (CET)
MATIFECO202405RapeseedNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/30 17:30 (CET)2024/04/29 10:45 (CET)2024/04/30 17:30 (CET)2024/04/29 10:45 (CET)
MATIFECO202408RapeseedNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/31 17:30 (CET)2024/07/30 10:45 (CET)2024/07/31 17:30 (CET)2024/07/30 10:45 (CET)
MATIFECO202411RapeseedNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/31 17:30 (CET)2024/10/30 10:45 (CET)2024/10/31 17:30 (CET)2024/10/30 10:45 (CET)
MATIFEMA202403CornNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/27 17:30 (CET)2024/02/26 10:45 (CET)2024/03/05 17:30 (CET)2024/03/04 10:45 (CET)
MATIFEMA202406CornNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/29 17:30 (CET)2024/05/28 10:45 (CET)2024/06/05 17:30 (CET)2024/06/04 10:45 (CET)
MATIFEMA202408CornNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/29 17:30 (CET)2024/07/26 10:45 (CET)2024/08/05 17:30 (CET)2024/08/02 10:45 (CET)
MATIFEMA202411CornNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/29 17:30 (CET)2024/10/28 10:45 (CET)2024/11/05 17:30 (CET)2024/11/04 10:45 (CET)
MEXDERDA202401Dollar FXNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/15 14:00 (CDT)2024/01/12 7:30 (CDT)2024/01/15 14:00 (CDT)2024/01/12 7:30 (CDT)
MEXDERDA202312Dollar FXNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 14:00 (CDT)2023/12/15 7:30 (CDT)2023/12/18 14:00 (CDT)2023/12/15 7:30 (CDT)
MEXDERDA202402Dollar FXNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/19 14:00 (CDT)2024/02/16 7:30 (CDT)2024/02/19 14:00 (CDT)2024/02/16 7:30 (CDT)
MEXDERDA202403Dollar FXNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/15 14:00 (CDT)2024/03/14 7:30 (CDT)2024/03/15 14:00 (CDT)2024/03/14 7:30 (CDT)
MEXDERDA202404Dollar FXNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/15 14:00 (CDT)2024/04/12 7:30 (CDT)2024/04/15 14:00 (CDT)2024/04/12 7:30 (CDT)
MEXDERDA202405Dollar FXNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/13 14:00 (CDT)2024/05/10 7:30 (CDT)2024/05/13 14:00 (CDT)2024/05/10 7:30 (CDT)
MEXDERDA202406Dollar FXNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 14:00 (CDT)2024/06/14 7:30 (CDT)2024/06/17 14:00 (CDT)2024/06/14 7:30 (CDT)
MEXDERDA202407Dollar FXNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/15 14:00 (CDT)2024/07/12 7:30 (CDT)2024/07/15 14:00 (CDT)2024/07/12 7:30 (CDT)
MEXDERDA202408Dollar FXNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/19 14:00 (CDT)2024/08/16 7:30 (CDT)2024/08/19 14:00 (CDT)2024/08/16 7:30 (CDT)
MEXDERDA202409Dollar FXNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/13 14:00 (CDT)2024/09/12 7:30 (CDT)2024/09/13 14:00 (CDT)2024/09/12 7:30 (CDT)
MEXDERDA202410Dollar FXNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/14 14:00 (CDT)2024/10/11 7:30 (CDT)2024/10/14 14:00 (CDT)2024/10/11 7:30 (CDT)
MEXDERDA202411Dollar FXNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/11/15 14:00 (CDT)2024/11/14 7:30 (CDT)2024/11/15 14:00 (CDT)2024/11/14 7:30 (CDT)
NYBOTCC202312COCOANo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/22 13:30 (ET)2023/11/21 8:00 (ET)2023/11/22 13:30 (ET)2023/11/21 8:00 (ET)
NYBOTCC202403COCOANo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/22 13:30 (ET)2024/02/21 8:00 (ET)2024/02/22 13:30 (ET)2024/02/21 8:00 (ET)
NYBOTCC202405COCOANo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/23 13:30 (ET)2024/04/22 8:00 (ET)2024/04/23 13:30 (ET)2024/04/22 8:00 (ET)
NYBOTCC202407COCOANo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/21 13:30 (ET)2024/06/20 8:00 (ET)2024/06/21 13:30 (ET)2024/06/20 8:00 (ET)
NYBOTCC202409COCOANo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/23 13:30 (ET)2024/08/22 8:00 (ET)2024/08/23 13:30 (ET)2024/08/22 8:00 (ET)
NYBOTCT202312COTTONNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/22 14:20 (ET)2023/11/21 8:00 (ET)2023/11/22 14:20 (ET)2023/11/21 8:00 (ET)
NYBOTCT202403COTTONNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/22 14:20 (ET)2024/02/21 8:00 (ET)2024/02/22 14:20 (ET)2024/02/21 8:00 (ET)
NYBOTCT202405COTTONNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/23 14:20 (ET)2024/04/22 8:00 (ET)2024/04/23 14:20 (ET)2024/04/22 8:00 (ET)
NYBOTCT202407COTTONNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/21 14:20 (ET)2024/06/20 8:00 (ET)2024/06/21 14:20 (ET)2024/06/20 8:00 (ET)
NYBOTCT202410COTTONNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/23 14:20 (ET)2024/09/20 8:00 (ET)2024/09/23 14:20 (ET)2024/09/20 8:00 (ET)
NYBOTDX202312US DOLLAR INDEXNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 10:16 (ET)2023/12/15 8:00 (ET)2023/12/18 10:16 (ET)2023/12/15 8:00 (ET)
NYBOTDX202403US DOLLAR INDEXNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 10:16 (ET)2024/03/15 8:00 (ET)2024/03/18 10:16 (ET)2024/03/15 8:00 (ET)
NYBOTDX202406US DOLLAR INDEXNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 10:16 (ET)2024/06/14 8:00 (ET)2024/06/17 10:16 (ET)2024/06/14 8:00 (ET)
NYBOTDX202409US DOLLAR INDEXNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 10:16 (ET)2024/09/13 8:00 (ET)2024/09/16 10:16 (ET)2024/09/13 8:00 (ET)
NYBOTKC202312COFFEE CNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/20 13:30 (ET)2023/11/17 8:00 (ET)2023/11/20 13:30 (ET)2023/11/17 8:00 (ET)
NYBOTKC202403COFFEE CNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/20 13:30 (ET)2024/02/19 8:00 (ET)2024/02/20 13:30 (ET)2024/02/19 8:00 (ET)
NYBOTKC202405COFFEE CNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/19 13:30 (ET)2024/04/18 8:00 (ET)2024/04/19 13:30 (ET)2024/04/18 8:00 (ET)
NYBOTKC202407COFFEE CNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/19 13:30 (ET)2024/06/18 8:00 (ET)2024/06/19 13:30 (ET)2024/06/18 8:00 (ET)
NYBOTKC202409COFFEE CNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/21 13:30 (ET)2024/08/20 8:00 (ET)2024/08/21 13:30 (ET)2024/08/20 8:00 (ET)
NYBOTOJ202401FL ORANGE JUICENo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/29 14:00 (ET)2023/12/28 8:00 (ET)2023/12/29 14:00 (ET)2023/12/28 8:00 (ET)
NYBOTOJ202403FL ORANGE JUICENo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/29 14:00 (ET)2024/02/28 8:00 (ET)2024/02/29 14:00 (ET)2024/02/28 8:00 (ET)
NYBOTOJ202405FL ORANGE JUICENo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/30 14:00 (ET)2024/04/29 8:00 (ET)2024/04/30 14:00 (ET)2024/04/29 8:00 (ET)
NYBOTOJ202407FL ORANGE JUICENo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/28 14:00 (ET)2024/06/27 8:00 (ET)2024/06/28 14:00 (ET)2024/06/27 8:00 (ET)
NYBOTOJ202409FL ORANGE JUICENo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/30 14:00 (ET)2024/08/29 8:00 (ET)2024/08/30 14:00 (ET)2024/08/29 8:00 (ET)
NYBOTOJ202411FL ORANGE JUICENo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/31 14:00 (ET)2024/10/30 8:00 (ET)2024/10/31 14:00 (ET)2024/10/30 8:00 (ET)
NYBOTRS202401CANOLANo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/29 14:20 (ET)2023/12/28 09:30 (ET)2023/12/29 14:20 (ET)2023/12/28 09:30 (ET)
NYBOTRS202403CANOLANo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/29 14:20 (ET)2024/02/28 09:30 (ET)2024/02/29 14:20 (ET)2024/02/28 09:30 (ET)
NYBOTRS202405CANOLANo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/30 14:20 (ET)2024/04/29 09:30 (ET)2024/04/30 14:20 (ET)2024/04/29 09:30 (ET)
NYBOTRS202407CANOLANo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/28 14:20 (ET)2024/06/27 09:30 (ET)2024/06/28 14:20 (ET)2024/06/27 09:30 (ET)
NYBOTRS202411CANOLANo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/31 14:20 (ET)2024/10/30 09:30 (ET)2024/10/31 14:20 (ET)2024/10/30 09:30 (ET)
NYBOTSB202403SUGAR #11 WORLDNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/29 12:55 (ET)2024/02/28 8:10 (ET)2024/02/29 12:55 (ET)2024/02/28 8:10 (ET)
NYBOTSB202405SUGAR #11 WORLDNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/30 12:55 (ET)2024/04/29 8:10 (ET)2024/04/30 12:55 (ET)2024/04/29 8:10 (ET)
NYBOTSB202407SUGAR #11 WORLDNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/28 12:55 (ET)2024/06/27 8:10 (ET)2024/06/28 12:55 (ET)2024/06/27 8:10 (ET)
NYBOTSB202410SUGAR #11 WORLDNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/30 12:55 (ET)2024/09/27 8:10 (ET)2024/09/30 12:55 (ET)2024/09/27 8:10 (ET)
NYBOTSF202401Sugar #16 DMSTCNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/08 12:45 (ET)2023/12/07 9:00 (ET)2023/12/08 12:45 (ET)2023/12/07 9:00 (ET)
NYBOTSF202403Sugar #16 DMSTCNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/08 12:45 (ET)2024/02/07 9:00 (ET)2024/02/08 12:45 (ET)2024/02/07 9:00 (ET)
NYBOTSF202405Sugar #16 DMSTCNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/08 12:45 (ET)2024/04/05 9:00 (ET)2024/04/08 12:45 (ET)2024/04/05 9:00 (ET)
NYBOTSF202407Sugar #16 DMSTCNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/07 12:45 (ET)2024/06/06 9:00 (ET)2024/06/07 12:45 (ET)2024/06/06 9:00 (ET)
NYBOTSF202409Sugar #16 DMSTCNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/08 12:45 (ET)2024/08/07 9:00 (ET)2024/08/08 12:45 (ET)2024/08/07 9:00 (ET)
NYBOTSF202411Sugar #16 DMSTCNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/08 12:45 (ET)2024/10/07 9:00 (ET)2024/10/08 12:45 (ET)2024/10/07 9:00 (ET)
NYMEXBB202401Brent FinancialNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/29 14:00 (ET)2023/11/28 8:00 (ET)2023/11/29 14:00 (ET)2023/11/28 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXBB202402Brent FinancialNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/27 14:00 (ET)2023/12/26 8:00 (ET)2023/12/27 14:00 (ET)2023/12/26 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXBB202403Brent FinancialNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/30 14:00 (ET)2024/01/29 8:00 (ET)2024/01/30 14:00 (ET)2024/01/29 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXBB202404Brent FinancialNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/28 14:00 (ET)2024/02/27 8:00 (ET)2024/02/28 14:00 (ET)2024/02/27 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXBB202405Brent FinancialNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/27 14:00 (ET)2024/03/26 8:00 (ET)2024/03/27 14:00 (ET)2024/03/26 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXBB202406Brent FinancialNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/29 14:00 (ET)2024/04/26 8:00 (ET)2024/04/29 14:00 (ET)2024/04/26 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXBB202407Brent FinancialNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/30 14:00 (ET)2024/05/29 8:00 (ET)2024/05/30 14:00 (ET)2024/05/29 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXBB202408Brent FinancialNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/27 14:00 (ET)2024/06/26 8:00 (ET)2024/06/27 14:00 (ET)2024/06/26 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXBB202409Brent FinancialNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/30 14:00 (ET)2024/07/29 8:00 (ET)2024/07/30 14:00 (ET)2024/07/29 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXBB202410Brent FinancialNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/29 14:00 (ET)2024/08/28 8:00 (ET)2024/08/29 14:00 (ET)2024/08/28 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXBB202411Brent FinancialNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/27 14:00 (ET)2024/09/26 8:00 (ET)2024/09/27 14:00 (ET)2024/09/26 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXBB202412Brent FinancialNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/30 14:00 (ET)2024/10/29 8:00 (ET)2024/10/30 14:00 (ET)2024/10/29 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXBZ202401Brent Oil Last Day ContractNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/30 14:00 (ET)2023/11/29 8:00 (ET)2023/11/30 14:00 (ET)2023/11/29 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXBZ202402Brent Oil Last Day ContractNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/28 14:00 (ET)2023/12/27 8:00 (ET)2023/12/28 14:00 (ET)2023/12/27 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXBZ202403Brent Oil Last Day ContractNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/31 14:00 (ET)2024/01/30 8:00 (ET)2024/01/31 14:00 (ET)2024/01/30 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXBZ202404Brent Oil Last Day ContractNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/29 14:00 (ET)2024/02/28 8:00 (ET)2024/02/29 14:00 (ET)2024/02/28 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXBZ202405Brent Oil Last Day ContractNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/28 14:00 (ET)2024/03/27 8:00 (ET)2024/03/28 14:00 (ET)2024/03/27 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXBZ202406Brent Oil Last Day ContractNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/30 14:00 (ET)2024/04/29 8:00 (ET)2024/04/30 14:00 (ET)2024/04/29 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXBZ202407Brent Oil Last Day ContractNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/31 14:00 (ET)2024/05/30 8:00 (ET)2024/05/31 14:00 (ET)2024/05/30 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXBZ202408Brent Oil Last Day ContractNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/28 14:00 (ET)2024/06/27 8:00 (ET)2024/06/28 14:00 (ET)2024/06/27 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXBZ202409Brent Oil Last Day ContractNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/31 14:00 (ET)2024/07/30 8:00 (ET)2024/07/31 14:00 (ET)2024/07/30 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXBZ202410Brent Oil Last Day ContractNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/30 14:00 (ET)2024/08/29 8:00 (ET)2024/08/30 14:00 (ET)2024/08/29 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXBZ202411Brent Oil Last Day ContractNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/30 14:00 (ET)2024/09/27 8:00 (ET)2024/09/30 14:00 (ET)2024/09/27 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXBZ202412Brent Oil Last Day ContractNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/31 14:00 (ET)2024/10/30 8:00 (ET)2024/10/31 14:00 (ET)2024/10/30 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXCLCrude oilNo2 business days prior to cutoff// : (ET)2023/11/23 8:00 (ET)// 14:00 (ET)2023/11/23 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXCL202406Crude oilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/21 14:00 (ET)2024/05/20 8:00 (ET)2024/05/21 14:00 (ET)2024/05/20 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXCL202412Crude oilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/11/20 14:00 (ET)2024/11/19 8:00 (ET)2024/11/20 14:00 (ET)2024/11/19 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXCL202401Crude oilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/19 14:00 (ET)2023/12/18 8:00 (ET)2023/12/19 14:00 (ET)2023/12/18 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXCL202402Crude oilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/22 14:00 (ET)2024/01/19 8:00 (ET)2024/01/22 14:00 (ET)2024/01/19 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXCL202403Crude oilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/20 14:00 (ET)2024/02/19 8:00 (ET)2024/02/20 14:00 (ET)2024/02/19 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXCL202404Crude oilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/20 14:00 (ET)2024/03/19 8:00 (ET)2024/03/20 14:00 (ET)2024/03/19 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXCL202405Crude oilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/22 14:00 (ET)2024/04/19 8:00 (ET)2024/04/22 14:00 (ET)2024/04/19 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXCL202407Crude oilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/20 14:00 (ET)2024/06/19 8:00 (ET)2024/06/20 14:00 (ET)2024/06/19 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXCL202408Crude oilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/22 14:00 (ET)2024/07/19 8:00 (ET)2024/07/22 14:00 (ET)2024/07/19 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXCL202409Crude oilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/20 14:00 (ET)2024/08/19 8:00 (ET)2024/08/20 14:00 (ET)2024/08/19 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXCL202410Crude oilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/20 14:00 (ET)2024/09/19 8:00 (ET)2024/09/20 14:00 (ET)2024/09/19 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXCL202411Crude oilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/22 14:00 (ET)2024/10/21 8:00 (ET)2024/10/22 14:00 (ET)2024/10/21 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHH202312Natural gas look alike last dayNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/28 14:00 (ET)2023/11/27 8:00 (ET)2023/11/28 14:00 (ET)2023/11/27 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHH202401Natural gas look alike last dayNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/27 14:00 (ET)2023/12/26 8:00 (ET)2023/12/27 14:00 (ET)2023/12/26 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHH202402Natural gas look alike last dayNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/29 14:00 (ET)2024/01/26 8:00 (ET)2024/01/29 14:00 (ET)2024/01/26 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHH202403Natural gas look alike last dayNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/27 14:00 (ET)2024/02/26 8:00 (ET)2024/02/27 14:00 (ET)2024/02/26 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHH202404Natural gas look alike last dayNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/26 14:00 (ET)2024/03/25 8:00 (ET)2024/03/26 14:00 (ET)2024/03/25 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHH202405Natural gas look alike last dayNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/26 14:00 (ET)2024/04/25 8:00 (ET)2024/04/26 14:00 (ET)2024/04/25 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHH202406Natural gas look alike last dayNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/29 14:00 (ET)2024/05/28 8:00 (ET)2024/05/29 14:00 (ET)2024/05/28 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHH202407Natural gas look alike last dayNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/26 14:00 (ET)2024/06/25 8:00 (ET)2024/06/26 14:00 (ET)2024/06/25 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHH202408Natural gas look alike last dayNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/29 14:00 (ET)2024/07/26 8:00 (ET)2024/07/29 14:00 (ET)2024/07/26 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHH202409Natural gas look alike last dayNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/28 14:00 (ET)2024/08/27 8:00 (ET)2024/08/28 14:00 (ET)2024/08/27 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHH202410Natural gas look alike last dayNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/26 14:00 (ET)2024/09/25 8:00 (ET)2024/09/26 14:00 (ET)2024/09/25 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHH202411Natural gas look alike last dayNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/29 14:00 (ET)2024/10/28 8:00 (ET)2024/10/29 14:00 (ET)2024/10/28 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHOHeating OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff// : (ET)2023/11/23 8:00 (ET)// 14:00 (ET)2023/11/23 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHO202401Heating OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/29 14:00 (ET)2023/12/28 8:00 (ET)2023/12/29 14:00 (ET)2023/12/28 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHO202312Heating OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/30 14:00 (ET)2023/11/29 8:00 (ET)2023/11/30 14:00 (ET)2023/11/29 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHO202402Heating OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/31 14:00 (ET)2024/01/30 8:00 (ET)2024/01/31 14:00 (ET)2024/01/30 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHO202409Heating OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/30 14:00 (ET)2024/08/29 8:00 (ET)2024/08/30 14:00 (ET)2024/08/29 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHO202404Heating OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/28 14:00 (ET)2024/03/27 8:00 (ET)2024/03/28 14:00 (ET)2024/03/27 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHO202411Heating OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/31 14:00 (ET)2024/10/30 8:00 (ET)2024/10/31 14:00 (ET)2024/10/30 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHO202406Heating OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/31 14:00 (ET)2024/05/30 8:00 (ET)2024/05/31 14:00 (ET)2024/05/30 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHO202407Heating OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/28 14:00 (ET)2024/06/27 8:00 (ET)2024/06/28 14:00 (ET)2024/06/27 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHO202410Heating OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/30 14:00 (ET)2024/09/27 8:00 (ET)2024/09/30 14:00 (ET)2024/09/27 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHO202408Heating OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/31 14:00 (ET)2024/07/30 8:00 (ET)2024/07/31 14:00 (ET)2024/07/30 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHO202403Heating OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/29 14:00 (ET)2024/02/28 8:00 (ET)2024/02/29 14:00 (ET)2024/02/28 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHO202405Heating OilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/30 14:00 (ET)2024/04/29 8:00 (ET)2024/04/30 14:00 (ET)2024/04/29 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHP202312Natural gas penultimateNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/27 14:00 (ET)2023/11/24 8:00 (ET)2023/11/27 14:00 (ET)2023/11/24 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHP202401Natural gas penultimateNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/26 14:00 (ET)2023/12/25 8:00 (ET)2023/12/26 14:00 (ET)2023/12/25 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHP202402Natural gas penultimateNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/26 14:00 (ET)2024/01/25 8:00 (ET)2024/01/26 14:00 (ET)2024/01/25 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHP202403Natural gas penultimateNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/26 14:00 (ET)2024/02/23 8:00 (ET)2024/02/26 14:00 (ET)2024/02/23 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHP202404Natural gas penultimateNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/25 14:00 (ET)2024/03/22 8:00 (ET)2024/03/25 14:00 (ET)2024/03/22 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHP202405Natural gas penultimateNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/25 14:00 (ET)2024/04/24 8:00 (ET)2024/04/25 14:00 (ET)2024/04/24 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHP202406Natural gas penultimateNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/28 14:00 (ET)2024/05/27 8:00 (ET)2024/05/28 14:00 (ET)2024/05/27 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHP202407Natural gas penultimateNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/25 14:00 (ET)2024/06/24 8:00 (ET)2024/06/25 14:00 (ET)2024/06/24 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHP202408Natural gas penultimateNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/26 14:00 (ET)2024/07/25 8:00 (ET)2024/07/26 14:00 (ET)2024/07/25 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHP202409Natural gas penultimateNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/27 14:00 (ET)2024/08/26 8:00 (ET)2024/08/27 14:00 (ET)2024/08/26 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHP202410Natural gas penultimateNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/25 14:00 (ET)2024/09/24 8:00 (ET)2024/09/25 14:00 (ET)2024/09/24 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHP202411Natural gas penultimateNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/28 14:00 (ET)2024/10/25 8:00 (ET)2024/10/28 14:00 (ET)2024/10/25 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXHP202412Natural gas penultimateNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/11/25 14:00 (ET)2024/11/22 8:00 (ET)2024/11/25 14:00 (ET)2024/11/22 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMCL202401WTI Micro Crude oilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 14:00 (ET)2023/12/15 8:00 (ET)2023/12/18 14:00 (ET)2023/12/15 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMCL202402WTI Micro Crude oilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/19 14:00 (ET)2024/01/18 8:00 (ET)2024/01/19 14:00 (ET)2024/01/18 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMCL202403WTI Micro Crude oilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/16 14:00 (ET)2024/02/15 8:00 (ET)2024/02/16 14:00 (ET)2024/02/15 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMCL202404WTI Micro Crude oilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/19 14:00 (ET)2024/03/18 8:00 (ET)2024/03/19 14:00 (ET)2024/03/18 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMCL202405WTI Micro Crude oilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/19 14:00 (ET)2024/04/18 8:00 (ET)2024/04/19 14:00 (ET)2024/04/18 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMCL202406WTI Micro Crude oilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/20 14:00 (ET)2024/05/17 8:00 (ET)2024/05/20 14:00 (ET)2024/05/17 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMCL202407WTI Micro Crude oilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/18 14:00 (ET)2024/06/17 8:00 (ET)2024/06/18 14:00 (ET)2024/06/17 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMCL202408WTI Micro Crude oilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/19 14:00 (ET)2024/07/18 8:00 (ET)2024/07/19 14:00 (ET)2024/07/18 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMCL202412WTI Micro Crude oilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/11/19 14:00 (ET)2024/11/18 8:00 (ET)2024/11/19 14:00 (ET)2024/11/18 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMCL202409WTI Micro Crude oilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/19 14:00 (ET)2024/08/16 8:00 (ET)2024/08/19 14:00 (ET)2024/08/16 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMCL202410WTI Micro Crude oilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/19 14:00 (ET)2024/09/18 8:00 (ET)2024/09/19 14:00 (ET)2024/09/18 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMCL202411WTI Micro Crude oilNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/21 14:00 (ET)2024/10/18 8:00 (ET)2024/10/21 14:00 (ET)2024/10/18 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMHO202312Heating Oil MicroNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/29 14:00 (ET)2023/11/28 8:00 (ET)2023/11/29 14:00 (ET)2023/11/28 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMHO202401Heating Oil MicroNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/28 14:00 (ET)2023/12/27 8:00 (ET)2023/12/28 14:00 (ET)2023/12/27 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMHO202402Heating Oil MicroNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/30 14:00 (ET)2024/01/29 8:00 (ET)2024/01/30 14:00 (ET)2024/01/29 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMHO202403Heating Oil MicroNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/28 14:00 (ET)2024/02/27 8:00 (ET)2024/02/28 14:00 (ET)2024/02/27 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMHO202404Heating Oil MicroNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/27 14:00 (ET)2024/03/26 8:00 (ET)2024/03/27 14:00 (ET)2024/03/26 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMHO202405Heating Oil MicroNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/29 14:00 (ET)2024/04/26 8:00 (ET)2024/04/29 14:00 (ET)2024/04/26 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMHO202406Heating Oil MicroNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/30 14:00 (ET)2024/05/29 8:00 (ET)2024/05/30 14:00 (ET)2024/05/29 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMHO202407Heating Oil MicroNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/27 14:00 (ET)2024/06/26 8:00 (ET)2024/06/27 14:00 (ET)2024/06/26 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMHO202408Heating Oil MicroNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/30 14:00 (ET)2024/07/29 8:00 (ET)2024/07/30 14:00 (ET)2024/07/29 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMHO202409Heating Oil MicroNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/29 14:00 (ET)2024/08/28 8:00 (ET)2024/08/29 14:00 (ET)2024/08/28 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMHO202410Heating Oil MicroNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/27 14:00 (ET)2024/09/26 8:00 (ET)2024/09/27 14:00 (ET)2024/09/26 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMHO202411Heating Oil MicroNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/30 14:00 (ET)2024/10/29 8:00 (ET)2024/10/30 14:00 (ET)2024/10/29 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMRB202312RBOB Gasoline MicroNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/29 14:00 (ET)2023/11/28 8:00 (ET)2023/11/29 14:00 (ET)2023/11/28 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMRB202401RBOB Gasoline MicroNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/28 14:00 (ET)2023/12/27 8:00 (ET)2023/12/28 14:00 (ET)2023/12/27 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMRB202402RBOB Gasoline MicroNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/30 14:00 (ET)2024/01/29 8:00 (ET)2024/01/30 14:00 (ET)2024/01/29 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMRB202403RBOB Gasoline MicroNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/28 14:00 (ET)2024/02/27 8:00 (ET)2024/02/28 14:00 (ET)2024/02/27 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMRB202404RBOB Gasoline MicroNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/27 14:00 (ET)2024/03/26 8:00 (ET)2024/03/27 14:00 (ET)2024/03/26 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMRB202405RBOB Gasoline MicroNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/29 14:00 (ET)2024/04/26 8:00 (ET)2024/04/29 14:00 (ET)2024/04/26 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMRB202406RBOB Gasoline MicroNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/30 14:00 (ET)2024/05/29 8:00 (ET)2024/05/30 14:00 (ET)2024/05/29 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMRB202407RBOB Gasoline MicroNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/27 14:00 (ET)2024/06/26 8:00 (ET)2024/06/27 14:00 (ET)2024/06/26 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMRB202408RBOB Gasoline MicroNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/30 14:00 (ET)2024/07/29 8:00 (ET)2024/07/30 14:00 (ET)2024/07/29 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMRB202409RBOB Gasoline MicroNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/29 14:00 (ET)2024/08/28 8:00 (ET)2024/08/29 14:00 (ET)2024/08/28 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMRB202410RBOB Gasoline MicroNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/27 14:00 (ET)2024/09/26 8:00 (ET)2024/09/27 14:00 (ET)2024/09/26 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXMRB202411RBOB Gasoline MicroNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/30 14:00 (ET)2024/10/29 8:00 (ET)2024/10/30 14:00 (ET)2024/10/29 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXNG202312Natural gasNo1 business day prior to cutoff2023/11/28 14:00 (ET)2023/11/28 8:00 (ET)2023/11/28 14:00 (ET)2023/11/28 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXNG202401Natural gasNo1 business day prior to cutoff2023/12/27 14:00 (ET)2023/12/27 8:00 (ET)2023/12/27 14:00 (ET)2023/12/27 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXNG202402Natural gasNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/01/29 14:00 (ET)2024/01/29 8:00 (ET)2024/01/29 14:00 (ET)2024/01/29 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXNG202403Natural gasNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/02/27 14:00 (ET)2024/02/27 8:00 (ET)2024/02/27 14:00 (ET)2024/02/27 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXNG202404Natural gasNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/03/26 14:00 (ET)2024/03/26 8:00 (ET)2024/03/26 14:00 (ET)2024/03/26 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXNG202405Natural gasNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/04/26 14:00 (ET)2024/04/26 8:00 (ET)2024/04/26 14:00 (ET)2024/04/26 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXNG202406Natural gasNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/05/29 14:00 (ET)2024/05/29 8:00 (ET)2024/05/29 14:00 (ET)2024/05/29 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXNG202407Natural gasNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/06/26 14:00 (ET)2024/06/26 8:00 (ET)2024/06/26 14:00 (ET)2024/06/26 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXNG202408Natural gasNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/07/29 14:00 (ET)2024/07/29 8:00 (ET)2024/07/29 14:00 (ET)2024/07/29 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXNG202409Natural gasNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/08/28 14:00 (ET)2024/08/28 8:00 (ET)2024/08/28 14:00 (ET)2024/08/28 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXNG202410Natural gasNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/09/26 14:00 (ET)2024/09/26 8:00 (ET)2024/09/26 14:00 (ET)2024/09/26 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXNG202411Natural gasNo1 business day prior to cutoff2024/10/29 14:00 (ET)2024/10/29 8:00 (ET)2024/10/29 14:00 (ET)2024/10/29 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXNGNatural gasNo1 business day prior to cutoff// : (ET)2023/11/24 8:00 (ET)// 14:00 (ET)2023/11/24 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXPAPalladiumNo2 business days prior to cutoff// : (ET)2023/11/23 9:30 (ET)// : (ET)2023/11/23 9:30 (ET)
NYMEXPA202312PalladiumNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/29 16:00 (ET)2023/11/28 9:30 (ET)2023/11/29 16:00 (ET)2023/11/28 9:30 (ET)
NYMEXPA202403PalladiumNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/28 16:00 (ET)2024/02/27 9:30 (ET)2024/02/28 16:00 (ET)2024/02/27 9:30 (ET)
NYMEXPA202406PalladiumNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/30 16:00 (ET)2024/05/29 9:30 (ET)2024/05/30 16:00 (ET)2024/05/29 9:30 (ET)
NYMEXPA202409PalladiumNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/29 16:00 (ET)2024/08/28 9:30 (ET)2024/08/29 16:00 (ET)2024/08/28 9:30 (ET)
NYMEXPA202311PalladiumNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/10/30 16:00 (ET)2023/10/27 9:30 (ET)2023/10/30 16:00 (ET)2023/10/27 9:30 (ET)
NYMEXPA202401PalladiumNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/28 16:00 (ET)2023/12/27 9:30 (ET)2023/12/28 16:00 (ET)2023/12/27 9:30 (ET)
NYMEXPLPlatinumNo2 business days prior to cutoff// : (ET)2023/11/23 9:30 (ET)// : (ET)2023/11/23 9:30 (ET)
NYMEXPL202401PlatinumNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/28 16:00 (ET)2023/12/27 9:30 (ET)2023/12/28 16:00 (ET)2023/12/27 9:30 (ET)
NYMEXPL202404PlatinumNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/28 16:00 (ET)2024/03/27 9:30 (ET)2024/03/28 16:00 (ET)2024/03/27 9:30 (ET)
NYMEXPL202407PlatinumNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/27 16:00 (ET)2024/06/26 9:30 (ET)2024/06/27 16:00 (ET)2024/06/26 9:30 (ET)
NYMEXPL202410PlatinumNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/27 16:00 (ET)2024/09/26 9:30 (ET)2024/09/27 16:00 (ET)2024/09/26 9:30 (ET)
NYMEXPL202311PlatinumNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/10/30 16:00 (ET)2023/10/27 9:30 (ET)2023/10/30 16:00 (ET)2023/10/27 9:30 (ET)
NYMEXPL202312PlatinumNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/29 16:00 (ET)2023/11/28 9:30 (ET)2023/11/29 16:00 (ET)2023/11/28 9:30 (ET)
NYMEXQG202312Natural gas E-MiniNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/27 14:00 (ET)2023/11/24 8:00 (ET)2023/11/27 14:00 (ET)2023/11/24 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXQG202401Natural gas E-MiniNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/26 14:00 (ET)2023/12/25 8:00 (ET)2023/12/26 14:00 (ET)2023/12/25 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXQG202402Natural gas E-MiniNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/26 14:00 (ET)2024/01/25 8:00 (ET)2024/01/26 14:00 (ET)2024/01/25 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXQG202403Natural gas E-MiniNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/26 14:00 (ET)2024/02/23 8:00 (ET)2024/02/26 14:00 (ET)2024/02/23 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXQG202404Natural gas E-MiniNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/25 14:00 (ET)2024/03/22 8:00 (ET)2024/03/25 14:00 (ET)2024/03/22 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXQG202405Natural gas E-MiniNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/25 14:00 (ET)2024/04/24 8:00 (ET)2024/04/25 14:00 (ET)2024/04/24 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXQG202406Natural gas E-MiniNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/28 14:00 (ET)2024/05/27 8:00 (ET)2024/05/28 14:00 (ET)2024/05/27 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXQG202407Natural gas E-MiniNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/25 14:00 (ET)2024/06/24 8:00 (ET)2024/06/25 14:00 (ET)2024/06/24 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXQG202408Natural gas E-MiniNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/26 14:00 (ET)2024/07/25 8:00 (ET)2024/07/26 14:00 (ET)2024/07/25 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXQG202409Natural gas E-MiniNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/27 14:00 (ET)2024/08/26 8:00 (ET)2024/08/27 14:00 (ET)2024/08/26 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXQG202410Natural gas E-MiniNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/25 14:00 (ET)2024/09/24 8:00 (ET)2024/09/25 14:00 (ET)2024/09/24 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXQG202411Natural gas E-MiniNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/28 14:00 (ET)2024/10/25 8:00 (ET)2024/10/28 14:00 (ET)2024/10/25 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXQG202412Natural gas E-MiniNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/11/25 14:00 (ET)2024/11/22 8:00 (ET)2024/11/25 14:00 (ET)2024/11/22 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXQM202401Crude oil E-MiniNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 14:00 (ET)2023/12/15 8:00 (ET)2023/12/18 14:00 (ET)2023/12/15 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXQM202402Crude oil E-MiniNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/19 14:00 (ET)2024/01/18 8:00 (ET)2024/01/19 14:00 (ET)2024/01/18 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXQM202403Crude oil E-MiniNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/16 14:00 (ET)2024/02/15 8:00 (ET)2024/02/16 14:00 (ET)2024/02/15 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXQM202404Crude oil E-MiniNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/19 14:00 (ET)2024/03/18 8:00 (ET)2024/03/19 14:00 (ET)2024/03/18 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXQM202405Crude oil E-MiniNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/19 14:00 (ET)2024/04/18 8:00 (ET)2024/04/19 14:00 (ET)2024/04/18 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXQM202406Crude oil E-MiniNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/20 14:00 (ET)2024/05/17 8:00 (ET)2024/05/20 14:00 (ET)2024/05/17 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXQM202407Crude oil E-MiniNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/18 14:00 (ET)2024/06/17 8:00 (ET)2024/06/18 14:00 (ET)2024/06/17 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXQM202408Crude oil E-MiniNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/19 14:00 (ET)2024/07/18 8:00 (ET)2024/07/19 14:00 (ET)2024/07/18 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXQM202409Crude oil E-MiniNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/19 14:00 (ET)2024/08/16 8:00 (ET)2024/08/19 14:00 (ET)2024/08/16 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXQM202410Crude oil E-MiniNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/19 14:00 (ET)2024/09/18 8:00 (ET)2024/09/19 14:00 (ET)2024/09/18 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXQM202411Crude oil E-MiniNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/21 14:00 (ET)2024/10/18 8:00 (ET)2024/10/21 14:00 (ET)2024/10/18 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXQM202412Crude oil E-MiniNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/11/19 14:00 (ET)2024/11/18 8:00 (ET)2024/11/19 14:00 (ET)2024/11/18 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXRBRBOB GasolineNo2 business days prior to cutoff// : (ET)2023/11/23 8:00 (ET)// 14:00 (ET)2023/11/23 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXRB202401RBOB GasolineNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/29 14:00 (ET)2023/12/28 8:00 (ET)2023/12/29 14:00 (ET)2023/12/28 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXRB202312RBOB GasolineNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/30 14:00 (ET)2023/11/29 8:00 (ET)2023/11/30 14:00 (ET)2023/11/29 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXRB202402RBOB GasolineNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/31 14:00 (ET)2024/01/30 8:00 (ET)2024/01/31 14:00 (ET)2024/01/30 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXRB202408RBOB GasolineNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/31 14:00 (ET)2024/07/30 8:00 (ET)2024/07/31 14:00 (ET)2024/07/30 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXRB202406RBOB GasolineNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/31 14:00 (ET)2024/05/30 8:00 (ET)2024/05/31 14:00 (ET)2024/05/30 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXRB202405RBOB GasolineNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/30 14:00 (ET)2024/04/29 8:00 (ET)2024/04/30 14:00 (ET)2024/04/29 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXRB202407RBOB GasolineNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/28 14:00 (ET)2024/06/27 8:00 (ET)2024/06/28 14:00 (ET)2024/06/27 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXRB202410RBOB GasolineNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/30 14:00 (ET)2024/09/27 8:00 (ET)2024/09/30 14:00 (ET)2024/09/27 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXRB202411RBOB GasolineNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/31 14:00 (ET)2024/10/30 8:00 (ET)2024/10/31 14:00 (ET)2024/10/30 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXRB202403RBOB GasolineNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/29 14:00 (ET)2024/02/28 8:00 (ET)2024/02/29 14:00 (ET)2024/02/28 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXRB202409RBOB GasolineNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/30 14:00 (ET)2024/08/29 8:00 (ET)2024/08/30 14:00 (ET)2024/08/29 8:00 (ET)
NYMEXRB202404RBOB GasolineNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/28 14:00 (ET)2024/03/27 8:00 (ET)2024/03/28 14:00 (ET)2024/03/27 8:00 (ET)
OSE.JPNJBL202312Japanese Government Bonds 10 yearsNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/13 15:022023/12/12 9:002023/12/13 15:022023/12/12 9:00
OSE.JPNJBL202403Japanese Government Bonds 10 yearsNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/13 15:022024/03/12 9:002024/03/13 15:022024/03/12 9:00
OSE.JPNJBL202406Japanese Government Bonds 10 yearsNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/13 15:022024/06/12 9:002024/06/13 15:022024/06/12 9:00
SGXMUC202312US Dollar in offshore renmimbi miniYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 11:00 (ST)2023/12/15 7:40 (ST)2023/12/18 11:00 (ST)2023/12/15 7:40 (ST)
SGXMUC202403US Dollar in offshore renmimbi miniYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 11:00 (ST)2024/03/15 7:40 (ST)2024/03/18 11:00 (ST)2024/03/15 7:40 (ST)
SGXMUC202406US Dollar in offshore renmimbi miniYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 11:00 (ST)2024/06/14 7:40 (ST)2024/06/17 11:00 (ST)2024/06/14 7:40 (ST)
SGXMUC202409US Dollar in offshore renmimbi miniYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 11:00 (ST)2024/09/13 7:40 (ST)2024/09/16 11:00 (ST)2024/09/13 7:40 (ST)
SGXMUC202401US Dollar in offshore renmimbi miniYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/15 11:00 (ST)2024/01/12 7:40 (ST)2024/01/15 11:00 (ST)2024/01/12 7:40 (ST)
SGXMUC202402US Dollar in offshore renmimbi miniYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/19 11:00 (ST)2024/02/16 7:40 (ST)2024/02/19 11:00 (ST)2024/02/16 7:40 (ST)
SGXMUC202404US Dollar in offshore renmimbi miniYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/15 11:00 (ST)2024/04/12 7:40 (ST)2024/04/15 11:00 (ST)2024/04/12 7:40 (ST)
SGXMUC202405US Dollar in offshore renmimbi miniYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/13 11:00 (ST)2024/05/10 7:40 (ST)2024/05/13 11:00 (ST)2024/05/10 7:40 (ST)
SGXMUC202407US Dollar in offshore renmimbi miniYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/15 11:00 (ST)2024/07/12 7:40 (ST)2024/07/15 11:00 (ST)2024/07/12 7:40 (ST)
SGXMUC202408US Dollar in offshore renmimbi miniYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/19 11:00 (ST)2024/08/16 7:40 (ST)2024/08/19 11:00 (ST)2024/08/16 7:40 (ST)
SGXMUC202410US Dollar in offshore renmimbi miniYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/14 11:00 (ST)2024/10/11 7:40 (ST)2024/10/14 11:00 (ST)2024/10/11 7:40 (ST)
SGXMUC202411US Dollar in offshore renmimbi miniYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/11/18 11:00 (ST)2024/11/15 7:40 (ST)2024/11/18 11:00 (ST)2024/11/15 7:40 (ST)
SGXTF202312SICOM RubberNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/11/30 18:00 (ST)2023/11/29 7:55 (ST)2023/11/30 18:00 (ST)2023/11/29 7:55 (ST)
SGXTF202401SICOM RubberNo2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/29 18:00 (ST)2023/12/28 7:55 (ST)2023/12/29 18:00 (ST)2023/12/28 7:55 (ST)
SGXTF202402SICOM RubberNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/31 18:00 (ST)2024/01/30 7:55 (ST)2024/01/31 18:00 (ST)2024/01/30 7:55 (ST)
SGXTF202403SICOM RubberNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/29 18:00 (ST)2024/02/28 7:55 (ST)2024/02/29 18:00 (ST)2024/02/28 7:55 (ST)
SGXTF202404SICOM RubberNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/28 18:00 (ST)2024/03/27 7:55 (ST)2024/03/28 18:00 (ST)2024/03/27 7:55 (ST)
SGXTF202405SICOM RubberNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/30 18:00 (ST)2024/04/29 7:55 (ST)2024/04/30 18:00 (ST)2024/04/29 7:55 (ST)
SGXTF202406SICOM RubberNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/31 18:00 (ST)2024/05/30 7:55 (ST)2024/05/31 18:00 (ST)2024/05/30 7:55 (ST)
SGXTF202407SICOM RubberNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/28 18:00 (ST)2024/06/27 7:55 (ST)2024/06/28 18:00 (ST)2024/06/27 7:55 (ST)
SGXTF202408SICOM RubberNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/31 18:00 (ST)2024/07/30 7:55 (ST)2024/07/31 18:00 (ST)2024/07/30 7:55 (ST)
SGXTF202409SICOM RubberNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/30 18:00 (ST)2024/08/29 7:55 (ST)2024/08/30 18:00 (ST)2024/08/29 7:55 (ST)
SGXTF202410SICOM RubberNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/30 18:00 (ST)2024/09/27 7:55 (ST)2024/09/30 18:00 (ST)2024/09/27 7:55 (ST)
SGXTF202411SICOM RubberNo2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/31 18:00 (ST)2024/10/30 7:55 (ST)2024/10/31 18:00 (ST)2024/10/30 7:55 (ST)
SGXUC202312US Dollar in offshore renmimbiYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2023/12/18 11:00 (ST)2023/12/15 7:40 (ST)2023/12/18 11:00 (ST)2023/12/15 7:40 (ST)
SGXUC202403US Dollar in offshore renmimbiYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/03/18 11:00 (ST)2024/03/15 7:40 (ST)2024/03/18 11:00 (ST)2024/03/15 7:40 (ST)
SGXUC202406US Dollar in offshore renmimbiYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/06/17 11:00 (ST)2024/06/14 7:40 (ST)2024/06/17 11:00 (ST)2024/06/14 7:40 (ST)
SGXUC202409US Dollar in offshore renmimbiYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/09/16 11:00 (ST)2024/09/13 7:40 (ST)2024/09/16 11:00 (ST)2024/09/13 7:40 (ST)
SGXUC202401US Dollar in offshore renmimbiYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/01/15 11:00 (ST)2024/01/12 7:40 (ST)2024/01/15 11:00 (ST)2024/01/12 7:40 (ST)
SGXUC202402US Dollar in offshore renmimbiYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/02/19 11:00 (ST)2024/02/16 7:40 (ST)2024/02/19 11:00 (ST)2024/02/16 7:40 (ST)
SGXUC202404US Dollar in offshore renmimbiYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/04/15 11:00 (ST)2024/04/12 7:40 (ST)2024/04/15 11:00 (ST)2024/04/12 7:40 (ST)
SGXUC202405US Dollar in offshore renmimbiYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/05/13 11:00 (ST)2024/05/10 7:40 (ST)2024/05/13 11:00 (ST)2024/05/10 7:40 (ST)
SGXUC202407US Dollar in offshore renmimbiYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/07/15 11:00 (ST)2024/07/12 7:40 (ST)2024/07/15 11:00 (ST)2024/07/12 7:40 (ST)
SGXUC202408US Dollar in offshore renmimbiYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/08/19 11:00 (ST)2024/08/16 7:40 (ST)2024/08/19 11:00 (ST)2024/08/16 7:40 (ST)
SGXUC202410US Dollar in offshore renmimbiYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/10/14 11:00 (ST)2024/10/11 7:40 (ST)2024/10/14 11:00 (ST)2024/10/11 7:40 (ST)
SGXUC202411US Dollar in offshore renmimbiYes(1)2 business days prior to cutoff2024/11/18 11:00 (ST)2024/11/15 7:40 (ST)2024/11/18 11:00 (ST)2024/11/15 7:40 (ST)

Veelgestelde Vragen

De laatste dag om in aanmerking te komen voor dividenduitkeringen is de werkdag vóór de ex-datum.

Waarom? De ex-date is de eerste dag waarop een aandeel wordt verhandeld zonder recht op dividend. Details over ex-dividenddata vindt u door met de muis (rechts) te klikken op een aandelennaam in TWS en dan Dividend Schedule te selecteren.

De ex-date van 6 november is vrijdag. Een aankoop op 5 november stelt de koper dus in staat om op 9 november in aanmerking te komen voor het dividend. Het record geeft aan tot wanneer de koper als aandeelhouder geregistreerd moet zijn geweest, om in aanmerking te komen voor dividend.

Warrants en gestructureerde producten zoals certificaten en knock-outs worden doorgaans in contanten afgewikkeld. De afwikkelingsdetails worden gespecificeerd door de uitgever van het product.

Meer details vindt u in het Essentieel Informatiedocument (EID) of Key Information Document (KID) van het betreffende product. Deze documenten zijn beschikbaar via Account Management via het Support menu. Kies hier de sectie PRIIPS Kid.

Onder bepaalde omstandigheden kan de vervroegde uitoefening van een optiecontract economisch voordelig zijn. Daarbij ontvangt een optiehouder het stockdividend en ziet hij af van de resterende tijdswaarde van het optiecontract. Cliënten worden via TWS, het klantenportaal en per e-mail op de hoogte gebracht van aanstaande dividenden, indien een onderliggend aandeel van een optiecontract dividend uitkeert. Ook worden de economische gevolgen van vervroegde uitoefening of toewijzing geprognosticeerd. Meer informatie over de uitoefening van opties vindt u hier: Uitoefening van opties.

Volgens de EUREX-beurs worden toegewezen aandelen uit optiecontracten doorgaans binnen 2 werkdagen afgewikkeld.
In de clearinginstructies staat ook dat de eigenaar van het optiecontract na uitoefening van de optie recht heeft op dividenden.

De uitoefening van een optiecontract één werkdag voor de ex-date is voldoende om in aanmerking te komen voor een stockdividend!

Opties en optiecombinaties zijn doorgaans verhandelbaar met een cashrekening. Dit is echter alleen mogelijk voor gedekte opties, waarvoor voldoende contanten of de onderliggende waarde moeten worden aangehouden. Anders is de handel beperkt tot Europese opties. Over het algemeen is de handel in opties op een cashrekening alleen mogelijk voor cash settled opties.

Met name grondstoffenfutures houden een risico in van een mogelijke fysieke levering van de onderliggende waarde. Daarom moet een dergelijke positie worden gesloten en afgewikkeld vóór de datum van de eerste positie of de eerste kennisgeving. U kan deze tabel terugvinden hierboven onder Futures Settlement overzicht.

De afwikkeling van opties verschilt per beurs en per optiestijl:

  • EUREX: Op de expiratiedag vindt tussen 13.00 en 13.05 uur een veiling plaats om de afwikkelingsprijs van alle DAX-opties te bepalen. Op basis van de openingsprijs na de veiling wordt de afwikkelingsprijs bepaald en worden de opties later die dag afgewikkeld.
  • EUREX-aandelenopties: Aandelenopties worden op de laatste handelsdag na sluiting van de beurs om 17.30 uur afgewikkeld.
  • S&P 500 (SPX) opties: De laatste handelsdag eindigt op de dag voor de expiratie van de optie. Op de expiratiedatum wordt de openingsprijs van alle SPX-onderdelen bepaald en gebruikt als afwikkelingsprijs. Opmerking: Deze methode wordt alleen toegepast op regelmatig aflopende opties (3e vrijdag van de maand).
  • Amerikaanse aandelenopties: Aandelenopties worden tot het einde van de laatste handelsdag verhandeld en daarna afgewikkeld.

Informatie over de afwikkelingsmethode is beschikbaar op de handelsplatforms. Meer informatie over afwikkeling en expiratie van opties is ook te vinden op de beurswebsites van EUREX en CBOE.

Nee. Als de opbrengst van bijvoorbeeld een aandelenverkoop dezelfde handelsdag wordt herbelegd, moet de betaling van de aandelen nog twee werkdagen later plaatsvinden. Dit komt overeen met de verrekening van uw verkoopopbrengst. Als de opbrengst het aankoopbedrag van de nieuwe aandelen dekt, wordt er geen geld geleend en loopt er dus geen rente op.

Er wordt alleen rente opgebouwd voor positieve of negatieve kassaldi aan het einde van elke handelsdag.

De afwikkeling wordt uitgelegd in de contractdetails van elk contract. Rechterklik op een product en selecteer Financieel Instrument Info > Details.

Er wordt een nieuwe pagina geopend met de contractdetails voor elk product. De specificaties worden uiteengezet in de sectie Settlement Method.

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